Chapter 10

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I left with Charlotte to do my interviews for the day. It started with the live interview in the FIA press conference room. Everything was going well, the journalists were interested in our car and our performance expectations until a journalist asked me about Astrid... " A question for Lando, you arrived earlier than anyone else this morning, especially before the photographers, was it because of that new girl that Kym Illman managed to photograph in the McLaren motorhome. " . Daniel looked at me, as surprised as I was. We didn't expect everyone to notice that she had never been to the paddock before. So, I took out my phone and opened Instagram to look for the picture. I know it's not ideal in a press conference, but I had to see. I found the picture. It showed Astrid at her computer with her headphones on, typing. I read the caption: "Today, while I was walking in the paddock, I saw a young woman I had never seen before in the paddock. She was on the McLaren terrace and appeared to be working on her computer. What was most intriguing was the fact that she was not wearing a McLaren suit, she was in street clothes. So, I wonder about these connections within the McLaren team. Who is this girl? ".

I handed my phone to Daniel to read. I turned to the camera and answered calmly. "This girl is called Astrid. If she is at McLaren, it's because she came with me. She agreed to come despite the fact that she has to follow her classes at a distance and therefore with a time difference. So, she is studying. We met by chance during the winter break, our relationship is just beginning, we get along well and spend time together. I will not answer any further questions on the subject. I would also appreciate it if you would give us, and especially her, some privacy. She is just an ordinary young woman in the middle of her studies. She doesn't need to be bothered with trivia. Thank you. ".

After this conference, I had to go to the different media. So, I went to the media pen. During these interviews, nobody asked questions about Astrid. I think I was clear enough for everybody. Once all my interviews were finished, I hurried back to the McLaren motorhome. I was afraid of Astrid's reaction if she had seen the publication. I saw her, she was still in front of her computer. She saw me and didn't smile as much as usual, I understood that she had seen something. She took out one of her headphones. Before she even spoke, I took the lead. "Did you see the interview or the Kym Illman publication? "Both..." . "Are you angry with me? "No, of course not, it's not your fault Lando. It's just that I'm afraid people will turn against me. You have some pretty hysterical fans sometimes..." . "I'm really sorry, but now that everyone knows, I can do this without having to worry about anything. " . She looked at me dumbfounded and I took her in my arms. I put my hand under her chin, lifted her jaw so that her face was facing mine. Then I put my lips tenderly on hers. I knew that pictures of this moment would eventually circulate but who cares, I love this girl, and everyone needs to know that. We parted and I could see the beautiful smile I loved so much again. "Lando, I love you..." . "I love you too Astrid, more than anything else in the world. ".

Astrid was reviewing one of her essays for her next day's class. Meanwhile, I was staying close to her. We were on one of the big sofas outside the motorhome, she was leaning against me, between my legs. I was on my phone when I received a message from Carlos with a picture.


So, when you're done cooing with your girl, you want to tell me about your interview?

I saw that the photo was taken at the time. I looked up to see Carlos laughing and waving. "Sweetheart, I'm going to talk to Carlos. I'll be right back. " . "Don't worry baby, I'll wait for you. "I kissed him and walked towards Carlos.

"Hi Muppets. "I greeted him as I walked past him. "Hi, how are you? "Yes, everything's fine. " . "Are you sure? I saw your interview. I know you have to be really worried to break the no phone rule. " . "I was caught off guard, I didn't think it would come out this quickly. " . "I warned you that it would be known the moment she entered the paddock. " . "Yes, but how did they know she came with me? "I don't know, it's true that it's intriguing. "He admitted. "I just know that I'm happy to be able to hug her and kiss her like I want to know. " . "I understand, don't worry. Go on, run to her. She's waiting for you. Since you left, she's been devouring you with her eyes. ". "I'm going, see you later. Cheers! ". I was starting to leave when I heard Carlos call me back. "Lando!?! ". I turned to him, "Yes Carlos? "Don't forget that she'll need your support now, just as you'll need hers at times. She's just been thrown into a pack of wolves. She's going to be criticised from all sides, but as long as you're there, standing by her, reminding her how much you care about her and how much she means to you, she'll be fine. She just needs you. ". I knew he was right. "I know Carlos, and that scares me, I'm afraid she can't take the comments and criticism, despite my presence. She's not as strong as she shows. ". "I know Lando, but she trusts you. She needs you just like you need her. I'm here for you if you need me. I've been through this before with Isa. ". "Thanks Carlos. See you later. ". I went back to Astrid.

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