Title: Suffocation
Materials: Oil paint on a large canvas
Process: a contrast between smooth texture of face with rough geometric shapes in the reflective plastic surface
Idea: plastic bag wrapped around the head to show suffocation, an inability to pursue one's passions in a success- and wealth-driven society
Size: 24*36 inches
Have you ever felt stuck, boxed in trying to label yourself as this and that but unable to do so? We are changing, evolving, growing humans, so trying to define our elusive nature is nearly impossible. This piece draws on this pressurizing structure and pressure often placed on us; the girl breaks through the plastic to acquire the most basic human right-- to breathe.
Art Book | A Visual Diary
SpiritualThis body of work is an insight on the teenage experience, with each work portraying a common but also uniquely personal teenage struggle. From juggling the pressure of academic excellence to struggling to find a sense of belonging among peers, the...