Disney Date

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Y/n POV:
I flung the car door open. After hours of driving from the airport we made it to Disney. I had been wanting to go for so long and Aaron decided to take me. Aaron helped carry the bags to the resort we were staying at. We checked in and went to our room. I put my bag in the corner and grabbed a smaller bag. It was shaped like a Mickey head, perfect for Disney. I put my hair up into a ponytail and took Aaron's hand. We both walked out the door and to the bus stop.

After a short bus ride, we finally made it to the park, magic kingdom. I led Aaron down the streets, he could barley keep up. We went to the haunted mansion first, my favorite ride. We got into a cart together and the ride started.
It was at the end of the ride when a little ghost man popped out of the ground, almost like a jump scare. I jumped and moved closer to Aaron, he looked at me and smiled. He put his arm around me to comfort me. I leaned my head on his shoulder for the rest of the ride.

A little while later, we found a little ice cream stand. Aaron bought us both ice cream and we walked around while eating it. As we finished the ice cream the sun had already started setting. We went over to Big Thunder mountain, i knew that the ride gave a perfect view of the castle and fireworks that would be going on this night. We boarded the ride and it started moving.

Aarons POV:

The ride started moving, y/n put her hands up as we went over every single hill. As we made it to the tallest hill, we both looked over to the castle. It was shining a beautiful blue color, fireworks were going off behind it. I looked over at y/n, she was staring in awe at the sight, I knew she had waited so long to see this. I gently grabbed her face in my hand and kissed her. Just then the ride went straight down the massive hill. We both turned away from each other and held on for dear life. After the hill we looked at each other and started cracking up.
For the rest of the night we watched the fireworks from a big rock near Big Thunder Mountain. Y/n leaned her head on my shoulder and slowly drifted off as the fireworks ended.

                                   ♥︎𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙴𝙽𝙳♥︎

 A/NHello everybody! If you've been to Disney, what's your favorite ride? Also if your going to Disney, the thing about the fireworks were true, Big Thunder Mountain has the most perfect view!This chapter didn't have too much romance but I really ...

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Hello everybody!
If you've been to Disney, what's your favorite ride? Also if your going to Disney, the thing about the fireworks were true, Big Thunder Mountain has the most perfect view!
This chapter didn't have too much romance but I really enjoyed writing it! I hope you enjoyed it 😊


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