Coffee shop

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It was a cold fall morning, the leaves on the trees were beautiful vibrant reds and oranges. You were walking down the street in a red jacket with matching earmuffs. It was the perfect day to get a warm coffee right before work. You crossed the street and ran into the café, you never noticed how cold it really was until the warmth of the cozy place hit your face. An employee named Alice was making Your drink. You took a look around the café and saw many people enjoying their morning, there was this one person sitting at a table next to the window, he was quite cute. You grabbed your coffee and turned to leave when you bump into someone

"Oh I'm so sorry i didn't see you there!"

You were so embarrassed, you couldn't even look the person straight in the face. When you did look up, you realized that it was that cute man you saw by the window, even worse

"It's completely fine, it happens."

The man was calm about the situation, he was very kind. You started to blush when you realized you were staring right in his eyes

"Uhh, I-I'm sorry I don't think I ever got your name."

That was all you said, you were to embarrassed to say anything else.

"I'm Aaron."

Aaron simply smiled and politely asked for your name.

"I- I'm Y/n"

"That's a very pretty name, uhh I mean.. ummm"

You started to giggle while Aaron started blushing, looks like you weren't the only one to completely embarrass yourself in public today.
You checked the time on your phone, it was almost 12:00

"Oh no I'm going to be late for work!"

You quickly said goodbye and ran out of the Coffee shop, Blushing all the way to work.

Sorry if this was bad, I'm not very good at this whole writing thing yet but practice makes perfect!

I would also like to apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors in the story.

Aaron Tveit x Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now