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I wake up shaking. My eyes are brimmed with tears. I sit up quietly, trying my hardest not to wake my fiancé, Aaron - he's so beautiful when he's sleeping.

I just had the worst nightmare of my life.
⚠️TW (d*ath, t*rture): I was in a grassy field surrounded by hundreds of different figures. The rain was pounding and my eyesight was blurry. In front of me, Aaron was laying, almost dead. He had been tortured by the hooded figures. I started to scream, but nothing came out of my mouth, only air. I began to cry for Aaron to come back to me, but the hooded figures started walking towards me. The last thing I saw was a huge stick being held over my head and then I woke up.

I begin to weep silently. I feel so stupid for crying over a dream. Because it was only that, a dream. It's just, it felt so real. I can't even imagine losing Aaron.

I must've moved too loudly because I heard my fiancé mutter half-asleep, "y/n, babe, what are you doing up?" I want to say that it's nothing, but Aaron turns towards me and sees my tear-stained face.

That whole part was written by my best friend cescalikesmusical
This next part is my writing

"Hey, are you alright?" Aaron asks, gently wiping your tears away, "Yeah, just a bad dream," you respond quietly. Aaron could tell it was more than "just a bad dream," but he wasn't going to make you speak about it. He pulls you closer, kissing you lightly. You soon fall asleep in his arms, you felt safe.

Hello! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I uploaded two stories in one night to make it up to you all. I'll also be updating my Harry Potter Fanfic Always Us so make sure to go read the first chapter!
Sorry for any grammatical errors in the story, and thank you for helping me write this chapter cescalikesmusicals

Aaron Tveit x Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now