High School Crush (part 2)

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It had been a few months since you had met Aaron, at this point you were really starting to like him. One day you see Aaron talking with a girl, he was blushing a lot, so was she. You watched as Aaron and the girl exchanged numbers, you stand there a little bit jealous. You decided to put it aside, thinking he just made a new friend. You walk up to him and he is instantly excited, he's still blushing from the girl.

"Y/n! How was your weekend?"

"It could have been better, what about you?"

"I met a really nice girl yesterday, turns out she goes here! She's really pretty and sweet. I'm also sorry that your weekend wasn't that great."

You were pretty, you were sweet, how come he's never said that about you? You told yourself that you were overthinking it.

You spend the rest of your day thinking about Aaron, you wished he felt the same way about you.

Okay I know this chapter is short and it sucks, I promise that High school crush part 3 will be better😅

Aaron Tveit x Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now