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A Saturday morning, filled with dark cloudy skies and rain. You and your boyfriend of 2 years had just gone your separate ways. You lay in bed with the lights out, only the light of the TV screen brightens the room. Tears roll down your cheeks as you sit there wondering what you did wrong. your phone turns on, you flip it over to see a text message from your best friend Aaron.

Hey, I heard you and your boyfriend split up, I'm so sorry. I'm here if you ever need me <3

You consider ignoring the message, not wanting to speak with anyone. You sigh as you write back to him.

Hey, thanks I appreciate it.

Anytime! Like I said I will always be here for you.

Your cheeks grew pink, you had no clue why. Aaron had always known how to comfort you in bad situations. He was always there when you needed him. You think about him more and more, your sad feelings turn into confused feelings.  Aaron was always by your side, you knew he loved you but in what way? Was real love right in front of you the entire time?
You rolled over and stuffed your face into the pillow, your mind racing with thoughts. Eventually you fell asleep, dreaming of what could be the start of the true love you've been looking for.

Hey y'all it's been awhile
This chapter is so stupid but I'm all out of ideas
I think I'm going to end these one shots with this chapter, so these will be completed
I'm still unmotivated to write chapters to this story, the only reason this last chapter came out is because it's currently 2am here and I'm bored😅
I will probably start writing more stories and one shots, ofc they will be cheesy because I can't write but I don't really care😙
Anyways, moving on from that unnecessary rant, thank you all for the support with these one shots! the story currently has 1k views which is absolutely insane so thank you!! <3

Aaron Tveit x Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now