High School Crush (part 1)

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B/f/n = best friends name
(Covid doesn't exist in this)
That's all! Enjoy :)

It was your first day of junior year, you were so excited to get back to school and see your friends. You picked out the cutest outfit you owned, a grey T-shirt with a jean jacket, leggings, and your favorite sneakers. You grab your backpack and run out the door. You meet your best friend, B/f/n, on the corner of your street. You walk to school together and laugh about embarrassing things that happened over summer. As you walked into the school building you got all excited, you loved school. You walk into your home room class and wait for the teacher to start the lesson. You look around to see if you know anybody in your class, you knew a few people but there was this one boy sitting at the desk at the front of the room that you've never seen before. The teacher started a lesson on algebra, you were to tired to pay any attention. Instead, you kept looking at the new boy, he was pretty cute. At lunch you sat with b/f/n. All of a sudden you see the new kid approaching your table.

The new kid: "Mind if I sit here?"

You: "Yeah go ahead!"

You were now sitting across from the new boy, he had a shy smile.

You: "so what's your name?"

The new kid: "my name is Aaron"

Even his name was cute. You had only met the boy a couple of minute ago and you already had a crush on him? You told yourself to pull yourself together.

Aaron: "what's your name?"

You: "oh I'm y/n"

Aaron: "it's nice to meet you y/n"

Aarons POV:
I just met this really nice girl at my school, she was really pretty too. We chatted all the way through lunch, she told me about the school and about the people that go here. She was really smart too, she explained to me the things I didn't understand in our math class, it was first period so I wasn't paying attention. It was nice making a friend.

Your POV:
School just ended, it was so nice getting to know Aaron. B/f/n started messing with me about how I like the new kid, it might be true but I'm not going to admit that, it had only known him for a day!

There will be a part two to this story so stay tuned!

I would also like to apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors in the story.

Aaron Tveit x Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now