Chapter 3

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As Y/N took the first years to the Slytherin common room she wondered why she had never heard of Sirius before. She looked back to see her room mate, Narcissa Black to be what looked like telling Regulus off.
"Hey darling what's wrong with you?" Lucius said coming up behind Y/N.
"Nothing. Come on let's get these first years to the common room," Y/N replied with a forced smile.

As Y/N had finally reached their common room she began to do a bit of digging on her own.
"I'm gonna go get out of my robe okay. I'll be back," Y/N told Lucius as she walked towards the stairs leading towards the girls' dormitories.
As she walked down the stairs she heard a voice calling after her.
"Y/N wait up!" It was Narcissa, " I guess you met my cousin Sirius. We don't talk about him much because he is well a um a"
"A Gryffindor?" Y/N asked.
"Well yeah, I guess," Narcissa replied

Y/N had changed into a grey jumper and some black jogging bottoms with her hair open.
"Love are you in here," Lucius said knocking on the door.
"Yes! Just a minute," Y/N called out. As she was walking towards the door she picked up her wand and put it in her back pocket. "Here I am all changed and ready for the evening." She said as she opened up her door.

Y/N Riddle and The MaraudersWhere stories live. Discover now