Chapter 11

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It was the next day when Sirius had woken up he saw that Narcissa getting ready. It turned out it was only him, Narcissa and Y/N were in the dormitory.

"Morning Sirius, I didn't expect to see you here let alone sleeping in the same bed with a taken girl," Narcissa said smugly whilst brushing her hair.
"Well I didn't take you for the type to flirt with a taken man," Sirius replied folding up his blanket. Whilst he was dong so he saw that Y/N was awake.
"Morning Sirius," Y/N said smiling
"Morning Y/N," Sirius said putting the blanket down.
"Narcissa if you have anything to say about me then I suggest you say it to me not your cousin, understood," Y/N told Narcissa sitting up in bed. Narcissa hadn't said anything but had just walked out.

"And you, what had happened when I was asleep?" she asked Sirius.
"I think you heard most of it," Sirius replied smiling at her.
"Yeah, I guess I did, didn't I," She laughed, "how's your head. I think we were very drunk last night as  I can't remember anything."
"I think we both have a bit of a hangover don't you think," Sirius said handing her the glass of water Regulus had bought them last night.
"Thanks," she said taking the glass off him, "You can get ready in here if you want?"
Sirius just smiled at her when Regulus had walked in with a tray of breakfast and James was behind him.

"I bought you two breakfast cause I figured you would be two would be to hungover to come down. Also, James wanted to come and he brought Sirius some clean clothes," Regulus said setting the tray down on the bed.
"Hi. That was quite the performance you gave last night Y/N," James said whilst laying Sirius' clothes on the trunk.
"Performance? Oh Godric, what did I do now?" Y/N asked James while putting a piece of toast in her mouth.
"Well you confronted Malfoy in front of everyone and Reggie-" James told her before he got cut off.
"Wait what did I say?" Y/N asked looking scared.
"Just that he was cheating on you. Why?" James asked her. Y/N hadn't replied but instead stopped eating.
"Y/N, Y/N what's wrong? You can tell us you know," Sirius asked her as he sat down next to her and put his hand on her back.
"I shouldn't have done that at all," Y/N told them whilst getting up.

"Y/N please sit down. What's going to happen?" Regulus asked her holding her arm. Y/N had just looked at Regulus as if she was scared.  "I have to get ready excuse me." Y/N had gone to her wardrobe and picked out a grey long sweater and a pair of black leggings to pair with it. She walked into the bathroom to have a shower when James was going to leave.
"Make sure she's okay," James told the brothers before he walked out.
"We will don't worry Prongs," Regulus told him.

A few minutes had gone by when Regulus had told him and Sirius were coming back.
"Yeah sure. Don't worry I'll be fine," Y/N called out from the shower, "I hope," she whispered to herself once they had left. As she stepped out of the shower, she put on her clothes when she heard someone walk in.
"Regulus? Sirius? Are you back already," Y/N shouted from the bathroom. Once she was fully clothed she walked out of the bathroom to find Lucius standing in the middle of the room touching Sirius' clothes.

"Whose clothes are these?" Lucius asked still holding the clothes when he turned to Y/N.
"Listen to me it's not what you think," Y/N told him slowly walking back.
"WHOSE ARE THESE!" Lucius shouted at her making her flinch, "There that Gryffindor's aren't they. AREN'T THEY!"
"Yes okay! Yes, they are," Y/N screamed at him trying to hold back her tears.
Lucius got his wand out and pointed it at Y/N.

Y/N screamed so loud and her tears began to fall. " I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" She told him lying on the floor in pain.
"I didn't do anything I SWEAR!" Y/N told him crying.
"Lies. All lies. It's all you Riddle's know how to do," he said as he came down to her level and held her chin up. "Crucio." Y/N screamed in pain again.

As Regulus and Sirius were coming back to the dorm with James and Remus when they all heard a girl scream in pain. Then heard Y/N crying. Regulus ran to the room with the others chasing after him. When they ran into the room they saw Y/N in a corner crying with Lucius in the middle of the room.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Regulus shouted at Lucius whilst all 3 boys went up to Y/N. Sirius had picked up Y/N's arm and saw that she was bleeding. Instantly, James got his wand out and pointed it at Lucius.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" James shouted at him.
"She deserved to be taught a lesson especially after yesterday," Lucius told him looking proud at what he had done.
"I'll hex you," Regulus told Lucius. Lucius had looked over at Y/N and Sirius was hugging her and Remus was trying to stop the bleeding.

"Thank you, Sirius," Y/N whispered in Sirius' ear, "Nobody other than Regulus has ever cared about me the way you do."
"It's fine you don't need to say thank you," Sirius whispered back.
"Lucius got angry when he saw your clothes," she told him. "It's not the first time it's happened," she added on.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you," he told her.
"It's fine," she said burying her face into his shoulder so she couldn't see Lucius, "Tell me when he's gone."
"I will don't worry he can't hurt you anymore," he said kissing her head.

Y/N Riddle and The MaraudersWhere stories live. Discover now