Chapter 31

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After that night the next two months went past by so fast. The students of Hogwarts were now getting ready to leave for Christmas break.
"Y/N wait up!" Sirius ran up to her as all of them began to file out of the old castle. Y/N turned around and told the group of students she was walking with to carry on without her.
"What's up?" She asked him. Sirius came up to her with a small piece of parchment in his hand and handed to Y/N.
"Here take that write to me during the break?"
Y/N took the parchment, " I will trust me. 5/6 weeks living with the Malfoy's and Tom I need an escape." Sirius laughed at her and agreed. Y/N and Sirius were walking together when someone pushed Y/N forward.
"WHAT THE FU-" Y/N screamed.
"Don't worry your evil royalness just James Potter."
"You twat don't push me," Y/N told him as she sorted her hair out.
"Is 'royalness' even a word Prongs?" Sirius asked him.
"Probably not but it should be," James put one arm over Y/N and Sirius did the same. Y/N looked at the pair of boys and laughed. They all talked about the Christmas break and what they were going to do during that 5-6 no school period until they got to the carriages.
"Ladies first," the boys said as Y/N got up.
"Idiots last," Y/N told them as they came up after her.

Once they arrived at the train station platform 1 and 3/4 they saw the familiar glossy-red steam train waiting on the tracks.
"Let's go find the other on the train," James told them all.
"Yeah um go I'll meet up with you there's something I need to do," Y/N said to him as she peered behind her.
"You sitting with us aren't you?" A Slytherin asked her.
"Later on yeah um have you seen Regulus by any chance?" Y/N asked.
"Nope sorry."

Y/N entered the train and the familiar scent of warmth and comfort flooded her. She was wearing a green skirt with a black blouse with her green winter coat on top.
"Y/N come on," She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked back and saw Lucius.
"Get lost Lucius I already have to put up with seeing you for 6 weeks straight so don't push your luck," Y/N shrugged him off.
"Your choice then," he said as he backed away. Y/N carried on walking until she got to the boys carriage.
"Thought we lost you then," James told her as she walked in.
"Well Lucius came up to me," Y/N told them.
"Wait he came up to you again?" Peter asked. All four boys looked at her.
"Yeah he did. And I told him to leave me alone."
"As if you spending the entire Christmas break with him isn't enough," Sirius muttered. Y/N who was sitting next to him looked at Sirius.
"It'll be fine he won't dare to touch me if we are at his own house with his parents," Y/N assured him. At least two hours later the old lady with a trolley came knocking on the cart door.
"Anything off the trolley dear?" She asked them.
"Y/N Sirius wake up, Moony wake up Wormtail," James ordered as he shook Sirius.
"What is it Jamie?" Y/N asked as she woke up.
"Do you want anything?" James replied.
"We'll have five of everything please," Y/N gave the lady two galleons.
"Here you are lovey," The lady gave Y/N all the snacks she ordered and went on her way.
"Remus here you are," Y/N gave Remus his share of sweets and snacks as she did three more times to the other boys. They all talked and laughed but when the foggy winter sky turned to a deep navy blue soon they were all asleep. Remus and Peter on one chair with Y/N sleeping on Sirius' shoulder and James resting his head on his and which was against the windowsill.

Y/N was first to wake up. The train was now dark and chilly but she could tell that the fire and heatings were on.
"Morning Y/N," Sirius sleepily as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Pretty sure it isn't morning Sirius," Y/N corrected. Y/N stood up and pushed her hair back.
"Where are you going now?" Sirius asked as he also stood up.
"To go for a walk you coming," Y/N asked as she held her hand out. Sirius smiled and took her hand. Y/N led him down past the different cabins until the walk way became narrow.
"Y/N where are you taking me?" Sirius asked confused. Y/N pushed the door open leading to an old empty cabin and Sirius saw the illuminating moon with the dark blue night sky.
"One of my secret places," she told him. Y/N walked through the door bringing Sirius along with her. Completely dazed at the sight he sat down next to Y/N.
"It's bloody amazing how the hell did you find it," he asked her.
"That's the beauty of wanting to get away from everyone, I found it during second year me and Sev decided to play hide and seek. I opened this very door and hid outside," Y/N told him gesturing her head towards the open door which allowed the moon to shine in.
"You really are stupid to do that, aren't you?" Sirius laughed.
"Oh shut up," Y/N laughed as she playfully shoved him.
"HEY!" Sirius grabbed her by the hands. Y/N stared at him and gave him a smirk. Y/N pulled her hands back and put them behind her back. Sirius leaned forward and came close to Y/N's face.
"What are you going to do now?" Y/N teased. Sirius smirked at her and grabbed her hands from behind her back pulling her closer. Y/N looked at him before connecting her lips with his. Sirius didn't protest but put his hands on her back as she put hers on the side of his face.

Sorry it took so long to post I'm hoping that after I write a few more chapters it's done so that I can move onto the 2nd book for 5th year.


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