Chapter 17

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When Y/N and Sirius were heading back to the school building they heard someone call after Y/N.
"Riddle wait!" It was Lucius.
"What the bloody hell does he want?" Y/N whispered to Sirius.
"I don't know but I am not leaving you here with him," He whispered back, " Especially after yesterday." He added. Y/N looked at him and smiled but stopped when Lucius came up to them.
"Lucius what do you want?" Y/N asked still by Sirius' side.
Malfoy looked the two of them up and down and gave a disgusted look, " I'm guessing that you've forgotten our morales seeming as your still hanging around with those boys and that mud blood."
"Take that back Luci. I'm guessing the fact that she is muggle-born is clouding the fact that she is a witch like me," Y/N told Lucius. He had just stood there smiling and said mud-blood again.
"GOD! COULD YOU BE MORE SELF-INVOLVED!" Y/N screamed at Lucius. Lucius stood there in shock as Y/N shouted at him, whereas Sirius was trying not to laugh. Y/N had begun to walk away still angry at Malfoy.

When Y/N and Sirius went back through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room they saw Remus putting in a record into the record player.
"GUYS FINALLY!" James screamed as the two of them walked in, "Let's listen to Killer Queen. Moony put that song on," he added. Remus put the record in and soon all of them began to enjoy themselves. Lily had gotten up and pulled Y/N along with her.
"Y/N c'mon let us dance," she said bowing down laughing. Y/N and Lily had been dancing together with everyone for a while when Peter reminded them that they had to go to dinner soon.
"I also have to send my owl out to give Tom a letter so I best go," Y/N told them taking her letter.
"I should start on my homework for tomorrow as well," Sirius said to them. As everyone began to divide into their rooms James realised something happened outside.

"Mare have you seen Tatia. My owl?" Y/N asked looking outside the window.
"No, I haven't why are you asking?" Mary replied.
"I can't find her and I need this letter sent out tonight," Y/N was flustered and kept tapping the letter in her hand.
"Give it here," Mary took the letter off her, " Just ask one of the boys to send it out or Molly when she gets back."
"Yeah, I'll go ask the boys. I'll see you later okay?" Y/N said to her picking up her jacket and taking the letter back.

Meanwhile, when the boys reached their room they had other things on their minds.
"Soooo Padfoot what were you and Riddle up to," James asked Sirius the moment they all entered their quarters.
"Nothing much. Just went out for a walk you know. Clear our heads given what happened before," Sirius told them not telling them what else happened.
"Padfoot? What else happened?" Peter asked.
"Um, I uh I... I," Sirius didn't know how to phrase the fact he kissed Y/N.
"Pads? What are you not telling us?" Remus said to him worried.
Sirius took a breath " We kissed." Sirius gambled.
"YOU WHAT! WITH WHO?" James screamed suddenly paying attention.
"With Y/N," He mumbled.
"What was that I didn't hear that," James asked.
"With Y/N. I kissed her," Sirius told them with a guilty look.
"Well it's about time Padfoot," Peter told him looking relieved.
"What do you mean?" Padfoot asked.
"I mean it was pretty bloody clear that you liked her mate," James said to him smiling. Soon after all four boys were laughing at Sirius when they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Remus called out. Y/N had opened the door and saw all four boys staring at her.
"Heh Hi. Do any of you have an owl that can send my letter out? I can't find Tatia," She asked them.
"Yeah Y/N I have an owl you can borrow," James told her laughing.
"Thanks, Potter," She said to him handing over the letter.
"Stay for a while. I mean we can all go down together can't we?" Remus said to all four of them.
"Yeah Y/N stay for a while," Peter said to her laughing. Sirius smiled at her and looked down. Y/N came in and sat on the floor next to Remus.

"Y/N can I ask you something? Have you seen Malfoy recently?" James asked her tying the letter to his owl's leg.
Immediately, Sirius looked up and caught Y/N's eye as she did the same.
"Yes. Yeah, I have before we came in and yesterday when we came out of the great hall at dinner," Y/N told James.
"What do you mean we?" Remus asked knowing full well what she meant.
"I mean the times I saw him I was with Sirius. Last night I was with Sirius and when we were coming in I was with Sirius," Y/N said concerned.
"Wait the only times you saw him is when you're with me?" Sirius asked.
"Yes? Hold on, you think he's following me?" Y/N asked them after seeing the boys' faces.
"I mean he could. He only ever shows up when you and Sirius are alone, Y/N," James said to her sitting down beside her.
"Were going to be late for dinner. Let's go," Y/N told them quick to change the subject picking up her jacket.

The next day, Y/N woke up to the girls all talking.
"Mornin' girls," She said to them sitting up in bed, " Do we have a lesson first or is it a free period?
"Morning Y/N it's a free lesson why?" Molly told her whilst painting.
"No reason in particular," She replied getting out of bed. Y/N had a shower a put on a black, sleeveless top, a long beige cardigan, and a pair of black jeans, " I'm heading over to get some breakfast any of you coming?"
"No it's fine we ate before. The boys have just gone though you might be able to catch them," Lily told her.
"Thanks, Evans," Y/N said to Lily walking out of the dorm with her wand.

When Y/N was walking over to the Great Hall she saw Regulus walking in front of her.
"Black! Wait up," She called out to him.
"Hi, Princess. Haven't seen you in a while," Regulus said to her as they walked together.
"I know I haven't seen you in a while either Regulus," She laughed.
"How's life with the marauders going then?"
"Alright so far."

The two of them walked into the Hall and sat down on the Gryffindor table. All four Marauders, Regulus and Y/N had eaten their breakfast when they saw Y/N's older brother Tom walk into the school. McGonagall and Dumbeldore were quick to realise and took him into the headmasters office after noticing he had entered the school building.

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