And the Snakes Start to Sing

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"I'm just a would've been , could've been, should've been , never was , and never ever will be. " I told myself for the thousandth time. This was my morning routine. The way i see it is why give your hopes up. Life wasn't some fairytale that ended up like a teenage girls fanfic did. My name is Skye. Today was going to be fun as usual. That is, if you call hell fun. My mother died when I was nine. How? Suicide. Why? My father was a dick who's a drunk.
Schools cool too.... if your the bullying type(not the victim ). I sadly was the victim , and there was nothing I could do about it. So none the less , I pulled on my high knee converses and my black Bring Me The Horizon hoodie. Today was going to be .... horrible as usual so why get dressed up for it. I put on a coat of mascara and eyeliner and concealer to cover my face. I look in the mirror. Hideous. Would've been, could've been. Then I left for the day.
The walk to school wasn't a long one, but I had some time. I plugged in my headphone and began scrolling through my playlists. I chose the song Props & Mayhem by PTV. I immediately started fangirling. PTV was my life. I would have easily given anything to meet them. Vic's heart felt voice , Tony's rad guitar, Jaime's heart stopping bass, and Mike' s soul felt drum's rhythms, had kept me alive so far. For that , I was ever thankful.
I couldn't jut forget the other bands, such as BMTH , SWS, BVB, ATL, ADTR, ECT.
About ten minutes later I arrived at school to get grueling stares from the wicked witch of the west_ Hayley , and her flying monkeys_ her squad. Please God , dont let them come over here, i prayed silently. Sometimes I think God just fucking hates that he created me, because right after that, They started walking over to me. God why do you hate me so?
"Hey bitch." Hayley said.
I didn't answer. I tried to walk away as a panic attack set in . i wouldn't, however , give her the pleasure to see me cry. I held back the tears, a trick I had learned over the past few years. Due to my panic attack, I began to look for exits out of my situation. I couldn't find one. To be honest, I never could. Her posy would always block my escape and my view from others. So it looked like nothing was happening from the outside of the circle, but from the inside, hell was happening.
"Ok skank, you wanna ignore me? " She said in her nasally white girl voice. Honestly, it was fucking annoying, but i couldn't do anything about it. What had i done to deserve this type of torturous punishment in life. Hayley bent down in my face and spit in my face. Her long blond hair touched my arm as she did. What I would give to look like her . Frankly , she was perfect and I would have given my life to be as popular and gorgeous as she was. Then the real pain happened . Nine pairs of on brand stilettos were kicking me. Over and Over and Over again. It felt like eternity, but in reality it was only about ten minutes. "See you later bitch!"she said, and sashayed away. "Right back at cha douche bag" i sneered.
"Great", i said to no one in particular,
"I'm going to be late to class,and on top of that I think I've broken about half my ribs."
I sat up , and pain instantly shit through my body.Fuck no. NOPE, I'm not doing school today. I was use to the pain. I tried getting up,but it felt like I had set my heart and lungs on fire . HEARTS ON FIRE TONITE! FEEL MY BONES IGNITE! FEELS LIKE WARRRR! Really Skye , nows not the time to be singing Love like War, get your arse up. So listening to my inner conscience . I force myself up, and prepared myself for the long, painful walk that awaited for me.

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