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Life was back on track, and tony was doing way better. Touring ended, but the boys were still trying to create a new album in the studios, and a lot of the songs were being based off of the recent year. Them finding me, Tony's suicide attempt, and even finding hell. Today was a Saturday, so all the guys were at home, annoying the hell out of me .
"Skye, sing us a song!" Jaime pleaded once again. We had been doing this for 5 minutes straight.
"No." I said keeping a straight face, trying really hard not to hit Jaime.
"Pleassssse....I'll leave you alone for a whole day. " Jaime wavered. This caught my attention. A quick two minute song in exchange for a whole 24 hours.
"Fine. But you have to leave, along with mike and Tony. "I said.
"What about Vic?" Jaime asked.
"He doesn't annoy the living hell out of me. So deal or no deal?" I said smirking at Jaime.
"DEAL!" Jaime screamed excitedly.
"Hey we didn't agree to this!" Mike said  frowning.
"Where are we gonna go, this is our house too!" Tony joined in.
"Oh I don't know, a skateboarding park, a bar, a strip club; i don't fucking care! As long as it's away from me!" I said getting really annoyed.
"Someone's on their period..." Mike snorted will drinking from his glass. I reached over and hit him upside his head.
"Oww you're an abusive little...."mike began.
"Say it, I dare you. That's my girlfriend your talking about." Vic said defending me..
"-beautiful young lady who I'm so sad to have leave for a whole day." Mike said cowering away from Vic.
"Thank you so much mike, but I'll be glad to see you go:). " I said, rubbing my authority in his face.
"Yeah... You little bitch.. Ditto." Mike sneered forgetting that Vic was right next to him. Vic hit him across the back of his head.
"Ow I'm calling mom!! " mike screamed grabbing his phone.
"Ohh you're in trouble now Vic." Tony said.
"No I'm not I'm a grown man!" Vic said a little too loudly. Over the phone on speaker phone we heard moma Fuentes .
"Victor Fuentes!! Why did you hit your brother! And you are not a grown man! Do you understand that!! You are Momas little boy. You will not hit your little brother! Do you understand?"she said angrily in a Spanish accent.
"Yes moma" Vic muttered. 
"Speak up when I'm talking to you! " she said.
"Yes moma!" Vic said annoyingly.
"Are you raising your voice at me? Hold up.   Coming over. I'm bringing papa too! Oh your in for a good one. And if that place is a mess when I come over, then you're all getting in trouble!" And with that she hung up.
"Hahaha you're in trouble!" Mike said prancing around Vic.
"Hey this isn't fair!! I was suppose to get a whole 24 hours of silence. " I said getting angry.
" this is all your fault. If you'd just have said 'yes moma!' In a regular monotonous voice then I could have had peace and happiness!" I screamed at Vic.
"My fault! I was defending you!" Vic said poking me in the stomach.
"But I love you so much!" I screamed at him.
"And I love you too!" He screamed at me.
"So let's blame Mike!" I screamed at him.
"This is why I like you!!" He screamed back!
"Kiss me my Mexican!"I screamed at him.
"Gladly my beautiful!" He screamed back at me, but then connected his lips with mine. Sparks flew like Fourth of July.
"Oh my gosh please stop. Ew. PDA!PDA!! Oh my gosh cover my eyes you're blinding me!" The guys yelled and shielded their eyes.
"I love you." I whispered on Vic's ears.
"Guess what?" He whispered back.
"I love you too." He said pecking me one more time.
"Uhm I hate to break up this little fiesta , pero nuestro madre esta aqui." Mike said nervously.
(Our mother is here)"Oh Vic I've never met your mom. What if she doesn't like me? I'm not dressed properly!! What if she thinks I'm a whore. I should have cooked her meal!! I don't know fluent Spanish. I'm 18 your 21 oh god she's gonna hate me!!!"
"No she's not. Now you can go get dressed properly, and when you're ready you can come meet my parents. " Vic said hugging me.
"What should I wear?!" I asked frantically.
" just whatever." He said rubbing my back.
"Uhm ...Jaime, go help her." Vic said ushering us up the stairs.
"Come on Skye. I'll help you." Jaime said pulling me into my room.
"Here put this on." He said throwing me some black leggings. "And put this blouse on." he said tossing me a black and greyish top that had a skirt like bottom but it wasn't a skirt, it just flaired out like one. It had a belt that when around my waist.
"And here. Wear these black ballet flats with the gold symbol on top. " he said placing the shoes at my feet.
"This is really good!" I said putting the shoes on my feet. 
"You look gorgeous. Now let me do your hair." Jaime said waving a comb in the air.
" ok I don't deny your since of style, but you + comb= disaster."
"No not really. I use to do my little sisters hair. "
"You have a little sister?"
"Use to..."
"What happened?"
" she commited suicide when she was 16."
"Oh Jaime .I'm so sorry."
"It's ok. that's why I like you so much, why I wanted you to be my friend from the start. You remind me of her. You look exactly like her. And you're exactly like her. The bullying, the suicide attempts, the feelings of emptiness, an I figured if I couldn't help Ellie, then I might as well try to help another person, and I promised for Ellie that I wouldn't let this other person down. And I guess that person is you. "
"Jaime you made me cry. I'm so sorry, Ellie would be so proud of you. You've helped me so much. I love you so much" I said turning around and hugging him.
" I love you too Skye, and don't ever forget that-there, I'm all done. You look gorgeous. "
I turned around in the mirror to see my hair in a half up half down ordeal. The pony tell was up really high, but it enlongated my face,and my jaw structure and cheekbones were very prominate because of this.
"Thank you so much Jaime. I love it. "
"You're welcome! Now let's go meet moma!"
"Oh god I'm scared. "
"Oh and papa!"
"Yay! *sarcastically*"
"Just be sure to introduce yourself properly, and you should be fine.  Moma is a huge sucker for proper introduction. And shake papas hand firmly...that's it. Now off you go pretty little lady. " Jaime said pushing me out the door.
"Oh wait I'm not ready!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm nooooooootttttt!"i screamed whispered, but it was already too late. We were at the top of the stairs.
"Victor say sorry to tu hermano!"
A short lady was screaming at Vic.
"Lo ciento *los sientos??* " (I'm sorry) Vic said to mike.
"Bueno, now that we can act like civilized people, it's nice to see both of you today. " she said pulling her boys into hugs.
"Where's Jaime?" She asked. 
"He's upstairs. Jaime come down please!!!" Mike yelled.  
" yeesh he's right there with Skye." Tony said pointing at us.
I made my way down stairs trembling. 
"Hola sra. Fuentes. Me llamo Skye. " I said fluently shaking her hand. (Hello mrs Fuentes. My name is Skye. )
"¡Hola!tu eres una muchacha muy bonita." (Hi. You are very pretty girl)
"Oh gracias. Ud es muy generosa." (Oh thank you. You are very generous ma'am. )
"De nada. Es el verdad." (Your welcome. It's the truth)
"Madre, Skye is my girlfriend." Vic said. 
"You chose a very kind and pretty one. Id keep her if I were you."
"Yeah. I'm planning on it. "He said pulling me to his side with his arm.
"Where's papa Fuentes at?" Jaime asked.
"He's coming. He was sitting in the car reading the papers. "
"¡Hola mis niños!" Said a very tall man he looked exactly like mike. We'll at least we know what mikes gonna look like when he gets old.
"Papa! I missed you so much!" Mike said.
"Daddy's boy" tony sneered. 
"Shove it." Mike retorted back.
"Mike be nice." Mama Fuentes said.
"Vincent, I'd like you to meet Vic's girlfriend, Skye. " mama Fuentes said, motioning me towards papa.
"Hello sir. It's nice to meet you." I said extending my hand for a hand shake.
"Hello skye. It's a pleasure to see you. It'sA nice to see Vic isn't wasting his life away.  All he needs is a ladies touch."
"Hey!" Vic yelled
"It's true."
Wow this was actually running smoothly.
"So how did you all meet?" Vic's mom asked.
"Uhm it's actually complicated. " Vic said.
"And this isn't really the time. " Jaime added.
"What do you mean hijo" mr Fuentes asked.
"It was a long  story, good thing is though, everything's fine now." Vic answered.
"Yeah and I think everything is looking up." I said.
"Well as long as you're both fine, I guess it's fine." Mrs Fuentes said.
"Well we just came to set Vic back in his place. I guess it's time to go Vincent. " mama Fuentes said getting up from her place on the couch.
"Well niños. It was good to see all of you. Now we must go." Said papa getting up.
"By Mrs. And mr. Fuentes. It was nice to meet you both." I said standing up with both of them.
"Oh darling stop with all that nonsense. You are a part of this family now. Call us mama and papa Fuentes." She said kissing me on the cheek.
"Thank you mrs- I mean mama Fuentes. " I said chuckling.
"You're welcome hija. Adios niños." She said walking out the door. We all waited for the door to close and we watched the car drive off.
"I can't believe I actually made it out alive!" I said incrediously.
"I told you you would do fine. And you look absolutely stunning." Vic said kissing me on the forehead.

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