There is a heaven lets not keep it a secret

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"Say you're okay!" I heard a voice say. It was a soft throbbing lull gradually getting louder. That's Skye !!! I'd know that voice from anywhere. I had about 20 minutes of time left according to the emptying time glass. The sand inside began throbbing a green neon pulse as I began to follow her voice, and then two more voices came in. It sounded lilt Austin and Aaron. There was a guitar too! I could here it closely. The precise strum of every chord and tablature. And then it stopped. No! I couldn't give up just yet! So I kept going following in the direction from whence I heard Skye's voice. And then a bright light broke . In the background I heard "good luck Antonio !"
"Thanks God!" I said as I stepped into the sunlight. Everything came to,and I saw this nurse or doctor or something leaning over some plugs near the wall.
"T-tony!!!! Stop !! he's awake!!hes awake !! Oh God tony, you made your way back!! I told them!!" Skye's aid flinging her arms around my neck. "Why would you do this tony! Do you know how worried I was!!we all were?" She yelled.
"Tony!!youre alive!!"all they guys chorused.
"Don't you ever do that again man!" Vic said patting him on the back.
"Babay!! My babay!! Mi corazon. ¡Te quiero mucho!! ¿Porque? " Jaime asked.
"Tony. You made me cry, and I have emotions of Steele. What were you thinking? " mike asked.

"I'm s-ssorry!"I tried to croak, but after a couple of months of not being able to speak , using your vocal chords become hard.
"It's okay Tony . I'm just glad you made it back. So what happened after I left?" Skye asked.
"Ok kid, I'm sorry but what the fuck do you keep talking about? Tony didn't go anywhere. He's been here for two months and a half. " mike said while walking over to Skye. He placed the back of his hand on her forehead. "Skye baby, I'm not a nurse or a certified professional, but I think your going insane. Maybe we should have you checked out." Mike said while cradling her face.
"Screw off mr. Whiskey! Tony tell them I'm not delusional." Skye said directing the attention back to me.
"Umh." I cleared my throat. " She's not insane. She was with me when she died." I croaked.
"Wow how did you know she had died?" Jaime asked . "This is weird." Vic said.
"When you die, you go to a personal heaven. There I met Skye,but she wasn't suppose to be dead. Fate wasn't suppose to take her, so she had the choice to stay or return. I told her to go back. She did. And just in time, because judgement came. "
"Tony what the hell are you talking about.. You were only dead for like five minutes, then they revived you. So what your saying is you went to heaven and had judgement all in five minutes." Vic said.
"Earthly time isn't like heavenly time!" I said trying to persuade them.
"Tonys right guys. I was there."Skye said helping me.
"I'm calling the nurse." Jaime said pressing the nurse call button.
"I'm not crazy!" I screamed getting upset. "Why won't you guys all listen!!" Skye yelled.
"Oh mr. Perry, nice to see you awake. I'm nurse Ally and I'll be checking in on you while we run some test." The nurse said breaking up the hostile atmosphere.
"Thank you." I muttered back.
"Excuse me mrs ally, but is it normal to have hallucinations about what you did while you were in a coma. " mike asked glaring at me.
"Actually it's quite normal. We call it an out of body experience. Patients say and desperately believe that they've visited heaven. To tell you the truth out could have really happened. There are many things we don't know about the world, and what comes after death is one of them. I I were you guys, I'd just be thankful that mr.perry came back. He's not showing any signs of brain damage, so he is relatively healthy. And I'll be coming back later to take blood samples. Have a good evening. " she spoke, and then left.
"Hahaha told you dumb asses. I'm not retarded." I said smugly.
"So you actually saw God?" Jaime asked.
"Yes I did. And if you shut up I'll tell you the whole story. " and like that all the guys and Skye sat back along with of nice and men. Funny. I didn't know they were there.

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