Chapter thirteen "Hugs and Kisses"

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The next day, everybody was a little tense. Sabrina thought everyone had started getting along after the food fight, but they all still seemed to be upset with each other.

Not her and Puck though. They were getting along swimmingly, Granny couldn't help but notice. They were being so kind to each other. It was so unlike them. Unlike Puck to be nice to anyone, really.

Granny decided to say something to Sabrina. She just wanted to know what was going on. So it was perfect when Sabrina offered to help her clean up after lunch.

After everyone one had gone, Granny spoke. "So, it seems like you and Puck are getting along," she said, clearing plates from the table.

"Yeah," Sabrina replied, paying an unusual amount of attention to the dishes she was gathering, "I guess."

"Any reason why?" Granny asked.

"Oh, no, just," Sabrina stuttered, "I don't know. I guess he's just... He's grown up a little. Ya know?"

"Yes, actually," said Granny, "I have noticed he's been looking a bit taller since him and Jacob got back."

"Right, I guess," Sabrina said, "I kind of meant... like.. he's... matured, a little, I guess."

"Oh," said Granny, "I guess I've noticed that too. He just seems so different. I couldn't quiet put my finger on it, but I think you've got it."

They went on cleaning up in silence for a little while before Granny spoke again.

"So, Sabrina," she said, "tell me. What do you think of Bradley? Honestly, I mean. You can trust me."

"He's... alright, I guess," Sabrina replied, "I think he likes me."

"And you don't like him?" Granny asked.

"I don't know," said Sabrina, "I guess it's just... I don't know, there's no..."

"Spark?" Granny interrupted.

"Yeah," Sabrina replied, "exactly. I don't know why, though. I mean he's nice, he's normal. There's nothing wrong with him, he's great, he's just..." Sabrina sighed.

"There's someone else, isn't there?" Granny asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sabrina smiled a little. "Yeah," she said, playing with the dish towel in her hand, "I guess there kind of is. Wait a minute, how'd you know?"

"Well," said Granny, "when I met your grandfather, I was seeing someone else. He was nice but... There was no... spark," she said with a wink, "with your grandfather, however, I just... I felt connected to him. Like there was this force pulling us towards each other. Like we were meant to be together."

"I think you kinda were," said Sabrina. She liked hearing about her grandparents love story. Her dad didn't talk about his father much, so she wanted to learn as much about him whenever she got the chance.

"Well," said Granny, putting the last dish into the dishwasher, "it looks like we're all done her. Why don't you go play with your brother for a little while."

"Alright," said Sabrina putting her dish rag in the sink, "thanks for the story, Granny."

"No problem, liebling," Granny said, "and Sabrina,"

"Yeah?" Sabrina said turning back to Granny.

"This other boy," said Granny, "go for it. Maybe your meant to be together."

Sabrina gave Granny a hug, "thanks, Granny," she said.

"No problem," Granny said, "now go play."
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'll try to not take so long with the next chapter. Also, I know I said in the description that there was a greater threat arising, but that might not happen so much until a later book. I have some other stories I want to write though, so I may finish this one and then take a little "hiatus". Let me know what you guys think. Thanks, Lovely Ladybugs.
Oh, one last thing. Does anyone know how to put cast members? Thanks in advance.

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