Chapter eleven "oh boy"

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That evening, around 5ish, Sabrina awaited the arrival of Bradley and his family. She was nervous. And she could tell she wasn't the only one. Granny was hustling and bustling around, preparing the food, rearranging books and what not. Puck was also acting strange. Sabrina sensed he was mad, but he was handling it in a very mature sort if way. That made Sabrina nervous.

Puck was never mature. Ever since he'd called a truce, she had secretly been waiting for him to pull some sort of prank when she least expected it. By the time they finally heard a knock on the door, they'd all been sitting uncomfortably in an awkward silence for a while.

Granny jumped up to welcome them. "Hello," she said cheerfully as she opened the door, "come on in. This is Jacob, Henry, Veronica, Basil, Mr. Canis, Daphne, and of course you know Sabrina. Umm," she said, noticing Red was nowhere to be seen, "Mr. Canis, where's Red?"

"She wasn't feeling well so she won't be joining us for dinner," Mr. Canis politely informed Relda.

"Oh my," said Veronica, "Is she sick?" "No," replied Mr. Canis, "just a bit if anxiety, I believe."

"Right, well, uh, everyone, this is Laura and Rob. And you all know Bradley," Granny said introducing them.

"Hello," said Veronica, extending her hand, "it's lovely to meet you." "Likewise," said Laura, shaking Veronica's hand, "Bradley speaks so highly of you all. We are delighted to get to know you."

"Alright, well," said Granny, clapping her hands, "let's go have a seat in the dining room, shall we?" They walked into the dining room, and once everyone was seated, granny brought out an array of interesting looking food. Rob and Laura didn't look phased by it at all. In fact, they almost looked... excited.

Sabrina was befuddled. She thought surely she couldn't be the only one intimidated by granny's food, but it was looking more and more like she was. Everyone ate and chatted for a while. Just polite dinner conversation, like, "So, where did you move from?" or, "how long have you lived here?" It was all pretty drab.

Until it wasn't.

Sabrina had noticed Puck was being unusually polite and quiet, until he wasn't.

Before she knew what was happening, before anyone knew what was happening, a banana cream pie was flying through the air, straight onto Bradley. Except it wasn't flying.

It was being carried. By a group of what looked like fireflies, but was actually a group of Pucks well trained pixies. They quickly flew away as soon as the pie was smashed onto Bradley, but not before his mother could get a good look.

"What was that?" she shouted, standing up from the table. "What was what?" Granny asked her innocently. Sabrina could tell she was trying to play it off.

"That... that.... swarm of lighting bugs." Laura stammered. "What in heavens do you mean?" asked Granny.

Laura stuttered some more, but before Sabrina knew what was happening, she'd heard someone shout "Food fight!" and was covered in some kind of mashed potatoes that were actually mashed radishes or something. And before she could do anything, everyone was throwing food at each other.

She didn't know who threw the first shot, but followed by that, Daphne hit Puck, Puck hit Jacob, Jacob hit Henry, and then everyone was throwing food every where.

Except for Bradley's family. They were standing with their jaws practically on the ground. But no one noticed. They kept on throwing food.

At first, it seemed like it was out of anger, but after a few minutes, everyone was laughing and panting, but never slowing down. Before anyone could stop him, Puck extended his wings and flew up into the air to get away from the food being thrown around. It was only then everyone realized what they were doing.

They all collectively gasped, and stopped throwing food. They turned to see Laura and Rob still just standing there, still just blinking. Puck slowly lowered himself. But it was to late. They'd already seen him.

After a moment of silence, Laura spoke. Or rather, yelled. "What was that?!?!??! What kind of crazy people are you?!?!! Why does he have wings?! What are you...." Granny cut her off by throwing pink powder in their faces.

"You had a pleasant evening. You came here for dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary happened."

"We had a pleasant evening," they all murmured in response, "we came here for dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary happened."

"Good," she said, "Now, run along home and get cleaned up." They slowly, in a daze, gathered their coats and things. Granny led to the front door. "Goodnight!" she said, seeing them off. "Goodnight," they murmured in response.

She closed the door and collapsed down onto the couch. She sighed. "Well," said Uncle Jake, "that was fun."

"Yeah it was!"agreed Daphne, enthusiastically. "Oh, you were.. being sarcastic," she said after receiving a glare from her dad, "got it."

"Well," said granny, standing again, "I suppose we should get cleaned up." Sabrina looked around. They were all covered in food. Everyone headed their separate ways to get cleaned up and help with the dining room. Sabrina had a few words she'd like to say to Puck, but she knew it would have to wait.
Yup. Sorry I didn't update for a while. But since this is a long chapter I may not update again for a few days. I do have a few questions to run by you guys though, so I'll probably write an authors note soon. Until then!

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