Chapter five "Green With Envy"

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"So, what's going on with that guy and your sister?" Puck asked Daphne. They were in his old room, taking care of Basil. "That guy? You mean Bradley?" Daphne asked, "Yeah, they're totally together" "What?!" Puck exclaimed, "I... I mean.. Uh, it's a... It's... Whatever."

"Jealous?" asked Daphne. "No," replied Puck, "Of course not! Why would I be jealous? Besides, they're probably not even dating." "I don't know," said Daphne, "they've been hanging out a lot." "Where'd he even come from?" asked Puck, "I mean, I've only been gone for a little while." "His family moved in a couple weeks ago," Daphne replied, "there've been a couple of non-Everafter families moving into town."

After mirror was defeated, Ferryport landing had been pretty much a ghost town. Billy Charming and Snow White had taken over as co-mayors. They worked with real estate agents to repopulate the town. "Well, I don't like him," Puck said as Basil climbed over his legs, which were sprawled out across the grassy floor, "We've gotta take him out."

"We? Oh no no," Daphne said pulling her baby brother into her arms, "We're not doing anything. If you want to mess with Bradley, fine. But don't get me involved."When did you get wise, Marshmallow? It's annoying."
Sabrina walked with Bradley around the town. She'd been hanging with him a lot. First it was helping his family unpack, then having a picnic with Daphne, Basil, and Red. Now she was showing him around Main Street.

It was nice to have a normal friend. Someone who wasn't an Everafter and didn't know about them. She could really just talk about things that normal kids her age talked about.

"So," Bradley said, "schools starting in a few months." "Yup." "What's it like? The school, I mean." "Well," it's pretty..." Sabrina thought about her first few weeks of school, "drab." She knew Bradley would probably find out about Everafters eventually but for now she just wanted to be normal.

"So, who's that Puck kid?" Bradley asked, "is he your cousin, or something?" "He's..." Sabrina thought about how she should answer this "something. But we're not related or anything." "So your just friends?" Bradley asked. "Not really friends," Sabrina said, "just sort of... I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," responded Bradley, "it's just... I was thinking." "Yeah?" Sabrina asked. "Would you... maybe wanna.. go out.. sometime?" Bradley stuttered. "Oh," Sabrina replied, "I don't know. I mean I'm only 13 and," "it's okay," replied Bradley, "never mind. It was a bad idea." "No it wasn't," Sabrina said, "it's just..." "It's okay," assured Bradley, "it's not a big deal."

They walked down the street in silence until they circled back to Bradley's house. "Well I guess I'll see you around," said Bradley. "Yeah," responded Sabrina, "see ya." Bradley went inside and Sabrina sighed.

"What's wrong with me?" she thought, "a nice, cute, normal boy ask me out and I say no?" She walked home, lost in her thoughts.
Ummm... Yeah. This chapter was kinda weird but whatevsies. Please comment things you want to happen in this story. I'm working on new chapters now and I would love suggestions. Fanfiction is about pleasing the fans of the series so let me know. Picture of Bradley (played by Bradley Steven Perry) at the beginning of the chapter. Thanks, Loves!
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