Chapter nine "What's going on there?"

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Sabrina dreaded getting out of bed the next morning. Yesterday seemed almost perfect and she knew something bad was liable to happen. After the kiss, she drifted off to her room, thinking about what it meant, and where they would go from here, but mostly about how amazing it was.

She ate dinner in silence and went straight back to her room after. She tried to read some of her ancestors journals, but she was all to distracted. She drifted off to sleep dreaming of cupcakes and unicorns.

But the next morning, it was all she could do to pull herself out of bed. She went downstairs to another of granny's grand, mysterious breakfast. She plopped down and grabbed some pink granola and poured in some goats milk. She sat in silence, eating her strange breakfast.

When Puck walked in, you could practically cut the awkward with a pair of scissors. "Good morning, Puck," Granny said, "How did you sleep?" "Fine," he said, "I had dream about..." He glanced at Sabrina, "A giant hamster chasing me." "Okay..." said Granny, with a hint of disbelief. Sabrina quietly finished her breakfast and excused herself.

She was walking up to her room when she heard Puck behind her. "Sabrina, wait up!" he said coming up the stairs behind her, "can I talk to you?" "Yeah," said Sabrina, "sure." Sabrina followed Puck to his room. She walked in and he shut the door behind her.

"So listen," he said, "about yesterday, I..." "Oh," Sabrina interrupted, "we don't have to talk about that if you don't want to." She figured Puck would want to forget about the whole thing. She secretly didn't want to talk about. She wanted things to go back to normal, instead of being so awkward all the time.

She wanted to go back to the insults and the pranks. That was a simpler time. "No, I do," said Puck, "I thought about what you said, and you were right. I need to grow up a little." "Okay.." said Sabrina, "where is this going, exactly?"

"Sabrina," said Puck, "I'm calling a truce. No more pranks, or stupid nicknames. Just... us. Being friends. Or whatever you want us to be." Sabrina needed a minute to process it all. After a moment, she finally spoke. "Okay. Truce," she said holding out her hand.

"Grimm, I said I needed to grow up "a little. Not turn into an old person," Puck said. Sabrina lowered her hand. "Okay then," she said. She slipped out of his room and went to the bathroom.

She pulled a small bag of makeup from the medicine cabinet. In the past few months, her mother had showed her how to apply some basic things like foundation, mascara, blush, etc. Henry was hesitant at first, but eventually let her wear a small amount day to day.

She also learned how to use a curling wand. She quickly applied some makeup and went over her hair with the curler. After a few minutes of tousling her hair and making pouty faces in the mirror, she decided it was good enough.

She went to her bedroom and pulled on a loose, floral top and some grey shorts. "Sabrina!" she heard her mother call her, "can you take Basil for a walk?" "Sure," she responded, walking out of her room and bouncing down the stairs.

When she got to the living room, Daphne, Basil, and Red were all waiting for her. She picked Basil up from the play mat. "Okay, don't wander to far," said her mother, "and be home for lunch." "Got it," Sabrina said.

They left the house and began down the street. It was a warm day, just warm enough. Sabrina held Basil's chubby hand as he waddled down the street. They were all quiet for a while, breathing in the summer air. There was a breeze drifting through the air.

Finally, Daphne spoke. "So what's going on with you and Bradley?" She asked. "Nothing," said Sabrina, "I haven't talked to him since..." she hesitated. "Since you turned him down?" Daphne asked blatantly. "No, I... Yes," Sabrina sighed, "since I turned him down." They were all silent for a bit more. Except for Basil. He was blabbering on in baby talk about who knows what.

"Can I ask you something?" Red said, breaking the silence. "Yeah." "Sure," Daphne and Sabrina replied. "Do you... trust me?" She asked quietly. "Of course," said Daphne, "although I do wish you would talk more. You're the closest thing to a friend my age I've got. We could be great friends if you'd let loose a little."

"Daphne!" Sabrina said, "not everyone one has to be as outgoing and brave as you are. And of course we trust you." "Hey, Red is plenty brave," Daphne said, "she let the big bad wolf inside her to protect Mr. Canis. She's toats amazballs." "New word?" Sabrina asked her sister. "I'm trying it out," replied Daphne.

"Well, that means a lot to me," said Red. "Listen, Red, what my dad said..." Sabrina tried to explain, "he didn't mean it. It's just.. my grandfather trusted everyone and sometimes it came back to bite him. But Mr. Canis was always a loyal companion and my dad knows neither of you would ever hurt us."

"Thank you," said Red, "but, I'm not sure he does." They walked on in silence for bit more before turning onto Main Street.

And who should they run into but... "Bradley," said Sabrina, "hi. How are you?" "I'm good," he said, "how bout you?" "Good, good," said Sabrina, "I'm good." "Good." "Yeah." After a minute if standing in awkward silence, Bradley spoke. "Well I better get going. My folks are having some people over so..." "Yeah, okay," said Sabrina, "so I'll a... I'll see ya later." "Yeah," said Bradley, "you too." "Okay, well... bye." "Bye."

Sabrina, Daphne, Basil and Red went on their way. "That was awk-ward," said Daphne in a sing songy way. "Tell me about it," said Red. Daphne and Sabrina stopped in their tracks. Then they burst out laughing.
Hello Loves! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Since it's kind of long, and I don't have much more written, I may not update it for a few days. It shouldn't be later then Monday or Tuesday, hopefully. Picture of Veronica (played by Danielle Fishel) at the beginning of the chapter. Anyway, thanks for reading. Love ya!

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