Chapter eight "Grow Up"

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Puck hadn't been able to stop thinking about Sabrina. He hated it. He hated even more that he was jealous of Bradley. After all, Bradley was just a normal guy. Puck was a fairy! Heir to the throne! But more than that, he was the king of pranks!

"I can take this Bradley guy out," he thought to himself. He spent hours thinking of schemes and plots to prank Bradley. They were all mischievous and disgusting. But this had to be perfect. The prank of pranks. Something that would be so humiliating, Bradley would have to leave Ferryport for good.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Daphne had been playing outside with Uncle Jake, so she allowed him to use his old room for scheming. "Hey," he heard Sabrina say as she entered, "can I come in?" "It looks like you already did," Puck replied sarcastically.

"What's all this?" Sabrina asked, looking at blueprints and stink bombs that were scattered across the floor. "Nothing," said Puck, covering the blueprints. "Okay..." Sabrina said, "Listen, I need to talk to you." She sat down on the grass and Puck sat next to her. "Yeah? What is it?" he asked.

"You know what," she said, standing to go, "never mind. It's not important." "Sabrina, what is it?" Puck asked, grabbing her wrist. "It's nothing," she said pulling her hand away, "really, it's just..."

She stopped talking. She almost stopped breathing. Looking into Pucks, deep, beautiful eyes... "I thought.." She stuttered, "I just.." She shook herself out of it and finally said what she'd been wanting to say since he left.

"I thought you liked me. I thought we kind of had something. But then... you just left. I know that you've been trapped here. But you could've stayed in New York last year but you didn't. You came back. I thought it was because you liked me. But know... I don't why you did. I don't know why you stayed then but it doesn't matter anymore. You left. And you didn't even call me, or make any effort to communicate at all!"

Sabrina was angry now. She had worked herself up. She felt tears filling her eyes and lump in her stomach. "And you wanna know what the worst part is?" She asked, her voice cracking, "I still like you. Even after you left. Even after you didn't want me to hug you when you came back. After everything you've done, I still like you. I like you enough to turn down the most normal, stable person in my life right now. The only person who doesn't know about all this and never will. And you still just sit here and plan pranks just like the old days. I thought you changed. I thought you started to grow up. I guess I got it wrong, again."

"Sabrina, I..." "Just forget it." Sabrina interrupted, "just forget I said anything." She turned and began walking to the door. Puck stood dazed for a second, and then extended his wings. He flew over Sabrina and landed in front of her.

"Sabrina wait," he said, "I do like you. I didn't want to admit it but I do. I like you so much I was planing a prank to embarrass Bradley. I wanted him to leave so I wouldn't have to try and compete with him."

"Puck," Sabrina said grabbing him by the shoulders, "there is no competition. You were my first crush, my first kiss!" She said throwing her hands up in frustration. "How could you be jealous of him?" "I don't know," Puck said, scratching the back if his neck, "I just thought..."

Sabrina cut him off mid sentence with a kiss. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in and kissed him. It was spontaneous and unexpected, just like the first time.

She slowly pulled her lips away from his. She rested her forehead on his. "Wow," he said. "Yeah," Sabrina said, looking into his eyes. "Wow."
You're welcome.
Mostly I did that for myself but I hope you guys liked it too. Anywho, stay tuned. Picture of Henry (Played by Zachary Levi) at the beginning of the chapter. Thanks, Loves😘❤️❤️❤️
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