Chapter fourteen "You're leaving?"

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Sabrina sat silently, in shock of what Puck had just told her. He said that Uncle Jake wanted to get out of there. And that, if Puck didn't go with him now, he'd be stuck in Ferryport. Again.

"So..." Sabrina said, in confusion, "your just... leaving?"

"Sabrina," Puck tried to explain, "I..."

Sabrina didn't give him the chance. "How could you do that? How could you just leave? After everything you said, your just gonna... leave?!?!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"Sabrina, I'm sorry," said Puck, "really, I am.. I just," Puck looked into Sabrina's eyes and sighed. "I can't be trapped here again."

"You weren't trapped," Sabrina said, "You had the chance to leave and you chose to stay. And I'm not just gonna wait around for you to.."

"I love you," Puck interrupted.

"You... you what?" Sabrina asked, dumbfounded.

"I love you," said Puck, "I have for a long time. You make me feel these crazy feelings. You make me want to grow up, Sabrina. But this is something I have to do. In order for me to grow up, I have to live. I have to go places and see things. And this is my opportunity to..."

"I love you, too," Sabrina said, cutting him off mid-sentence, "and if you have to go... I'll be here when you get back."

"Really?" asked Puck. "Yeah," said Sabrina, "Really."
•••••••••• 6 Months Later ••••••••••
A lightning bolt hit the ground next to Sabrina's feet.

"Grimm, look out!" she heard Puck shout. Sabrina stood frozen in place. She couldn't move. She looked around her.

Magic sparks and creatures flew all around her. Daphne was wielding all sorts of magical items with Uncle Jake and Henry by her sides.

Puck was transforming from creature to creature, all the while shouting warnings at Sabrina. But she couldn't move. And suddenly, the world was dark.
To be continued...
Dun dun dun! Hey guys! So I'm gonna be taking a short hiatus from this story for a little while. I've got some other stories I've been wanting to write and I'm going on vacation in a few weeks so I think this is best. I hope you guys understand. I promise I'll be back soon. I'm gonna start another book when I'm ready to continue this story. I'll see you guys then! And check out my other stories when I post them. Thanks, Lovelies. I'll talk to you later. Now would be a great time to comment suggestions. Bye bye for now!
-Allison Lee W.

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