Chapter 14

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"Right, Johnny. Tell me. Who do monsters scare on a Scare Floor?" (Y/N) askes as Johnny smirked at her.


"Correct. Who do they avoid scaring?"

"Teenagers and adults."

"Also correct. Scare the little kid." She quickly said as he roared, but not to his fullest. "Good. Scare the kid!" He roared again. "Scare the teenager!" He didn't roar. "Good, good." She then began to walk off. "Scare the teenager!" He didn't roar and smirk at her. "Well done, Johnny."

"I am not stupid, babe." He walked over to her and picked her up bridal style.

"You did very well at training, Johnny." She purred and curled up to him, putting her tail over his shoulder. "I'm going to sleep now." As she curled up she mummbled. "Scare the little kid." He roared very quietly and chucked.


The next morning, it was the day of the next event. ROR were very confident about winning the Scare Games.


Brock and Claire opened the gates to enter the maze.

"For this event, your whole team need to find the way out of the maze all together. There will be teenager and kid signs that appear that you will either have to scare or avoid. Good luck." Claire announced as all of the reminaing teams got prepared quickly.

"On your marks! Get set... Go!" That was when the teams ran into the maze and it was closed behind them.


Everyone waited on the exit of the maze and waited for the teams to come out. That was when they all cheered when they saw ROR come out of the maze first. They posed for the cameras and when Oozma Kappa came out soon after, they looked behind them, slightly shocked.

"Well done, guys!" (Y/N) hugged Johnny as the team smiled, impressed by their performance. "Don't be jealous of them." She smirked as some of the crowd cheered for the Oozmas'.

"They will not beat us!" Chet happily spoke as everybody was waiting for the remaining two teams to exit the maze.

"Third place, HSS!" Brock announced as he used the Oozma Kappa banner to knock off PNKs' banner since they were not out for being in last place of the event.

"You're lame." The wooden human that was painted as one of the obstacles spoke as one of the PNK members growled and set it on fire and looked forward in a very angry and upset mood.


Later that day, the ROR's and (Y/N) were talking about what to do about the next event.

"Someone is coming, this could ruin your night. Stay hidden, take cover, and stay out of sight. Well, since Randy can turn invisible whenever he wants, he shouldn't have that much of problem in hiding. He just cannot have his shirt exposed to the seekers of the next event." (Y/N) explained as Randy listened carefully. "I want you to hide somewhere in this room, and we'll try to find you. If we're satisfied with your hiding skills, then you'll be okay." She looked at him seriously as he nodded. Everybody closed their eyes as Randy Boggs silently went into hiding.

After they counted to 10, they opened their eyes and couldn't see him with the naked eye. Javier looked around the couches with Chet and Reggie, Chip looked under the tables and into the cabinets and drawers. Johnny searched behind the TV stand and some other confined spaces.

(Y/N) used his scent of smell to try to find Randy. When the boys noticed her smelling they watched her in shock and amazement.

"I never knew your nose was used for tracking." Johnny crossed his arms with a smile.

"I was born with a very keen sense of smell." She continued to searched and got to the wall and used her two front paws to trail up it until she got to a lamp. She moved forward and hit something invisible. "Found you, Randy!"

"Aww, was that good?"

"Very!" She smiled as she watched him come back to his normal colours and get out of the lamp without it falling and breaking. "Your turn Javier!"


"You got 10 seconds. Go!" Mike clapped his hands as the rest of his team hidden in the open area. When he counted to ten he immediately pointed to spaces. "Kiosk!" Sulley looked at him in shock how he was found soo easily; Mike didn't even move. "Pile of leaves!" Squishy, Terry and Terri popped up, also in shock. "Standing out in the open!" Mike pointed to Art who was distracted by a butterfly. "And there should be one more." He looked around until he looked up from a whistle.

"How did I do?" Don looked down at Mike, holding onto the branch for dear life.

"Oh! Not to shabby, Don!"

"Thanks! I cannot get down." He shook his head as they began to think on what to do.

"How can we get him down from there?" Sulley asked as Mike tried to think, but didn't know what to do.

(Y/N) watched this from a distance and decided to help them. She flew over to them, grabbed Don gently and tried to fly, but he was a lot heavily than her, so her jaw clamped down onto the branch as Don was screaming in her arms. He can get badly wounded if she dropped him.

Sulley took this moment to stand under them and held his arms out to catch Don. There was not much distance between the two so he was garunteed to not miss the catch.

(Y/N) dropped Don and climbed down the tree with her four paws without breaking a sweat.

"Thanks, (Y/N)!" Don smiled and hugged her when Sullivan put her down. She chuckled and hugged him back, telling him it was okay.

"Are you all training for next event?" They all nodded at her.

"We are indeed." Mike smiled at her. "How are your injuries?"

"They are fine. Got to do my job tomorrow for the next few weeks as my punishment." She explained. "I hope ROR will see the potential you guys have."

"We hope so too. We refuse to let everyone think we are not scary enough! Isn't that right, guys!?" Mike smiled with pride, looking at his friends... including Sulley. They were now friends over an incident they were in at Monsters Incorperated. They all nodded and cheered in agreement and began to high-five each other. "What about you? How are you with ROR?"

"It's good. I am training them... well Randy mainly because he is new to the games."

"I can't believe he joined them though."

"Have you spoke to him since?"

"Not once."

"I am sorry to hear about that. I hope he'll come back to you. I'll try talking to him." She smiled as he hugged her happily. (Y/N) hugged him back. "I have to go now, see you all whenever!" She then flew away.

"Bye, (Y/N)!" Mike waved.

"Goodbye!" Terry and Terri waved also.

"See ya!" Squishy and Art smiled and waved very fast.

"See you soon!" Don just smiled up to her flewing form. "Thanks again!"

"So long." Sulley finished.

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