Chapter 15

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After a few days when (Y/N) helped Professor Knight's class with a bunch of curious Monsters, she flew back to the ROR Fraternity house and saw Randy, Chip, Chet and Reggie sitting around in their lounger room, watching a comedy movie. She knew this because some of them were crying of laughter.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Chet yelled happily. "Is Johnny and Javier back yet!?"

"They'll be back about 7 or 8 probably." She replied. "I'll be upstairs."

"Ok." Reggie chuckled and continued to watch the movie, eating a cookie whole.


(Y/N) was in Johnny's room and curled up on his bed with a loud yawn and her head was comfy in his pillow as she fell into a deep sleep.


Johnny was still as popular as ever as students would talk to him and ask why he was doing this work. Johnny just gave the excuse of making some money and because he wanted to do this job to kill time since he didn't require much practise.


Javier wasn't minding his job to much. It was quiet and he liked the quiet a lot of the time so this was peaceful. His Fraternity Brothers were not screaming or babbling on about something useless either. It was nice to have a few hours of being alone.


The day has quickly passed and Johnny and Javier returned to the Fraternity Home and greeted the team.

"Johnny!" Chet smiled happily. "Welcome back, guys!" He got off the chair he sits on and walks to them. "We're ordering some pizza tonight, and (Y/N) is upstairs!"

"Alright, make sure to get the pizzas here before 9:00pm. We're training tomorrow before the the next round." Johnny told them all as they nodded and ordered the pizzas to make sure they get here quicker.


The horned Monster entered his room and saw (Y/N) curled up on his bed. He smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking her back. She purred in her sleep and smiled brightly.

"Are you awake, (Y/N)?"

"Y-Yeah, Johnny." She smiled and opened her eyes. "How was work?"

"Boring and messy." Johnny chuckled. "Glad to be back." He grabbed a clean shirt. "Can you turn around for a moment while I switch my shirts?"

"Sure." She smiled and turned to face the wall, humming almost silently. "Working with Professor Knight was fun as well. Saw some new faces and they seemed very excited to learn how to become Scarers."

"I bet it is. I remember when I first started and got the highest results in the test."


"Yeah. That is pretty much how Monster came to know me because of how scary I was."

"And smart. You have to think smart to become a Scarer."

"You have a point." Johnny smiled and sat back on the bed, his clean shirt now on. "May I lay down now?" She gasped and moved away as he layed down on the bed. "Thanks." He smiled and cuddled her close.

"I love you, Johnny..."

"I love you too, my dear." Johnny kissed her horn and she purred, going back to sleep. "Don't sleep... We got pizza tonight."

"I'm... tired, Johnny..."

"Ok. I'll bring the pizza up and we can watch a movie again."

"Yes please."

"What happened to that badass dragon I met?"

"She still exists, but only when it is needed." She smirked and he smiled brightly and they cuddled again.

"So... Quick question. How old were you when you could breathe fire?" Johnny asked, as she hummed with her eyes closed.

"I was one years old, and my parents would have to muzzle me sometimes to make me stop the habits."

"I am glad you can control it now. I would hate to see you in one of those. Ok, you can sleep now, dear."

"Good..." She got comfortable and then fell asleep.


"Ok, the next event is later this evening! Is everybody ready!?" (Y/N) yelled as all the boys stood in a straight line with a nod. "Good! Now, all of you hide around this area and I will find you all, if I think it is good enough, then you're ready! I'll count to twenty. Go!" She clapped her paws as they all ran off to hide. "One... two... three... four... five..."

Randy climbed up on a tree and didn't turn invisible or she'll never find him.

Javier hidden amongst the tall plants while Chet hidden in a thick bush.

The other hidden in spots which would prove difficult, but was still good enough for the event since there will be more hiding spots.

"Nineteen... twenty! I'm coming!" (Y/N) walked around the area and sniffed out of instinct and covered her nose to prevent using her smell to help her. She held her nose and searched around. "I will find you!" That was when she heard a small rustle behind a tree. "Found you, Reggie!"

"Aah!" He growled in annoyance for his own failure and sat on the nearby bench, showing that he was caught.

"Hmm." She then looked up to see Randy. "Found you, Randy! You can come down now." Randy nodded and climbed down slowly, and smiled at her before sitting next to Reggie.

"Psst, Javier. You there?" Chet whispered from inside of the bush.

"Where is she? I cannot see." Javier replied as he chuckled.

"By the tree. She nearly found Chip."

"Who has she found then?"

"Reggie and Boggs." Chet replied. "Quiet, she's coming." They both shut up as (Y/N) looked at the bush and saw a bit of claw.

"There you are, Chet. I see your claw."

"Aww, dammit!" He got out of the bush, but the sticks caught him a little. "Ow, ooch!" He groaned and walked to the bench, with a loud sigh.

"Hmm... These plants looks odd." She sniffed the flowers and sneezed loudly, spitting out a little bit of flames with how strong the sneeze was.

"OW!" Javier fell onto his face as she held his feet in pain. "You spat fire on me!"

"I'm so sorry, Javier!" (Y/N) flew off and filled her mouth up with water from the river and landed near the insect Monster and dropped the water on his feet, making him whince. "A-Any better?"

"Y-Yes, thank you. But... I found you." They both chuckled as Javier limped to the bench.

"She burns." He sat next to Chet.

"You hidden very well." He chuckled.

"Yeah!" Reggie drooled with a smile.

Johnny was hidden in a different tree, using his claws to keep him held on because he hidden with the leaves. He takes this seriously. Chip was hidden under a dark tunnel, but not too far in.

"Gotcha, Chip!" (Y/N) found him as they laughed and he walked out. "Good hiding spot, buddy."

"T-Thanks." Chip smiled and went to join the others. "Of course it's Johnny to still be hiding."


30 minutes later...

"Johnny! I'm going to use my nose now!" (Y/N) let go of her nose. She didn't have her paw over her nose so she couldn't breathe, only enough to not smell. She sniffed and smelt to a tree and looked up it and flew onto the lowest branch and looked up. "Hi there, Johnny."

"About time, my hands are killing." Johnny relaxed and fell, making (Y/N) scream as they both fell onto the grass, him on top of her. "Sorry... They got numb." He got off as she sat up and chuckled.

"You all did amazing." She smiled and nuzzled under his neck as he purred quietly as the others walked to them. "You guys are ready. You all studied the poses you can do which makes you blend in?"

"Yep!" They all yelled at the same time.

"Then you guys are ready for this next event!"

"Yeah!" They all yelled as raised their fists and claw.

Monsters University: Johnny Worthington x (F) Reader - Strong Holds!Where stories live. Discover now