Chapter 1

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Reader's Appearance:

• Short, but very soft, navy blue fur.
• Shiny, white teeth and claws on hands and feet. Has a head of a young dragon.
• Two brown horns on the head that were 15cm long.
• Medium sized, navy blue wings.
• A long, thicker fur, blue tail.
• Dark red eyes that glows when mad.
• Runs on four legs, but can walk on two legs.

(Y/N)'s POV...

It was the best possible day for me! Today is the day I am going to Monsters University! I am soo excited! The bus was literally driving past the fence and was near to a stop.

"Monster University! Anybody getying off!?" The driver yelled, but not that loud to scare anyone. I got off the bus, thanking the driver. My bags were soo goddamn heavy!

I tried to hurry to get to my room, but I saw this registration sign where they take our photos to become an official college student. The lady who was named Kay gave me an orientation packet, and told me that I can drop my bags of there and they'll be sent to my room. That is outstanding news!

I looked at my registration lisence and cheered. I then saw a small green monster cheer as well. He had one round body with two horns on top of his head, one big eye with a green iris, and was wearing an old MU hat. He looked over to me and waved. I looked over nervously at the monster. I waved back before he walked over to me.

"Hello. Are you new here, too?" I asked as he nodded happily.

"Yes, I am. My name is Mike Wazowski. What's yours?" He asked holding his hand out to shake. I held it gently and shook.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you, Mike." We moved our hands away and smiled.

"Would you maybe want to hang out?" He asked politely as I nodded excited. "Want to check out the quad area?"


End of POV...


As they walked down the path, there was loads of advertisements to different events. Mike got very excited at the event called the Scare Games. (Y/N) and Mike listened to Claire and Brock as they explained about the games. Brock told them that a bunch of guys went to the hospital last year. Mike and (Y/N) both took a sheet from them and left.

"Thank you." She smiled at them as Claire and Brock smiled and nodded. "You excited to go to the School of Scaring tomorrow?"

"It has been my biggest dream to become a scarer, and this is the trail to it, so yes I am." Mike smiled happily before walking over to a building where all the dorm rooms were. "My room is 319. What's yours?"

"My room is uhm... hang on." She got her keys from the monster who gives you the dorm room and key and looked at it. "278."

"Do you have a roomate?"

"No, sadly."

"Oh. I do. He is also a scaring major." He smiled.

"That's cool. Meet me at the fountain tomorrow at 7?" (Y/N) asked as Mike nodded.

"Sounds like a plan. Goodnight, (Y/N)." Mike then left as she headed to her room.


(Y/N) POV...

I opened my dorm room door as I felt a massive cold breeze hit me. It was freezing. I saw my bags near the bed as I took out all of the blankets, curled up onto the bed before putting them over me then drifting off into a deep sleep.


My phone alarm played as I groaned from waking up in an awkward position. The time was 6am. I had time to brush my teeth, brush my tail and put on a thin shirt to not look completely exposed. The sad thing is that my type of monster had to use a special type of toothbrush because my fangs are sharp and the bristles can get torn off easily. This one has thicker and stronger bristles, so it prevents it from braking.

I put on a red shirt with orange stripes going down the sleeves. I looked in the mirror noticed that my fur was sticking our next to my brown, long horn.

I grabbed a comb and brushed it down. I was happy with the results this morning as I packed my required books, pencil, pen, notebook and a bottle of water. I grabbed my keys, left the dorm room, then locked the door and left to go to the fountain.


When I got there the time was 6:55am, so I waited until Mike showed up. He turned up like two minutes later and smiled over. He was with a taller, purple scaled lizard, type of monster. He looked nervous. Mike was holding his book under his arms while the lizard had a book as well, but he carried two pencils and pens in two of his other hands.

"Hey, (Y/N)! I would like you to meet my room mate, Randy Boggs." Mike smiled up at his new nervous friend.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." He spoke calmly and held out his free hand. I gently grabbed it and shook it.

"Nice to meet you too, Randy." I smiled as we all looked at the time. "What shall we do while we wait?"

"Let's go sit on the fountain!" Randy suggested as we nodded and sat on the small fountain wall enjoying the cool breeze. "This is going to a very important year for us." Randy pointed out as Mike chuckled.

"It maybe important, but it'll all be worth it once it is over."

"I agree with you, Mike." Me and Randy both smiled proudly at the same time as we giggled at each other for what we both said at the same time.

"Hey uhm... Mike? Who that big furry guy over there?" I pointed at a tall monster who blue fur and big purple spots over him.

"I am not sure. He looks like trouble though." Mike scoffed and stood up.


Monsters University: Johnny Worthington x (F) Reader - Strong Holds!Where stories live. Discover now