Chapter 16

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It was now that evening, about 6:00pm as it had become pretty dark due to it being Winter still - about early into the month of February. The second to last event of the Scare Games were about to take place shortly. The teams had two minutes to hide somewhere in the large building and then they'll try to be found by one of the ref with whistles to indicate if someone had been caught or not. The team had to make it back outside of the building to pass the event. If you caught by a ref, you're out basically.

(Y/N) was talking to the Fraternity Houses that had already lost the earlier events as they were excited about what the results would be.

Oozma Kappa were all stratagizing about how they'll get around this stressful event and how they all must believe in their own personal skills and techniques. Mike obviously making sure they're ready to begin shortly.

Roar Omega Roar were always ready, but Randy was still nervous. Much less than before, but he still had that soft side inside of him. The otherwise were confident and as cocky as they always were.

Eta Hiss Hiss were also planning on what they should do, and hoped that their ideas would be enough for them to get through the event without getting caught.


"Okay, teams! You may now enter the building and a whistle will go when the ref enters the building. Be warned, once you're caught, you will be escorted outside and out of the round! Good luck, and GO!" Brock yelled happily, but now calmer due to the Games being nearly to an end. ROR entered first, then OK, then HSS.

(Y/N) walked to Squishy's Mother and latted her shoulder, making sure her sharp claws don't catch her thick, pink skin.

"You're son is doing a very good job. You should be proud." She smiled as his Mother looked up at her.

"I most certainly am!" She was overwhelmed with excitement as she then went to the top of the step area to make sure her cheering could be heard. (Y/N) just sat down on the bench and waited for the teams to finish.

After two minutes, the ref had entered the building with a whistle and flashlight. It's all about not getting spotted. For example, you do not want to get spotted by parents while in a middle of a scare as it could end up in disaster for the monster and the kid wouldn't let off as much as a scare anymore.


It was another ten minutes and the ref had come out with an HSS member. It was the largest HSS member, Rosie. Soon was then, Sonia, then Nancy, then Nadya, then Rhonda and finally Susan. They were all very upset about this since all of them were spotted, but during the time ROR had escaped the building and some of the monster cheers, but immediately got louder when OK came out behind them pretty much straight after.

"We're done to two remaining teams! Roar Omega Roar and Oozma Kappa!" Claire announced loud and clearly in her microphone as the crowd were loud from cheering.

"Which leads us to the final event! "Every one of your skills will be put to the test. The Scare Simulator will prove who is the best"! Tomorrow night you finally get to Scare in front of the whole school!" Brock also announced with excitement again because he was looking forward to seeing each individual monster Scare on the simulator.

"Enjoy the attention while it lasts, boys. After you lose, no one will remember you." Johnny was being his typical smug-self again and acting like they're nobodies when they're pretty much kicking their asses.

"Maybe." Mike smiled a little but it got wider after his own response. "But when you lose, no one will let you forget it. And (Y/N) will see that you are just afriad of losing." Mike smirked as Johnny snarled as a reply.

"Oh, boy... That is a good point." Chet realized at the possibility and Johnny just slapped the back of his head and walked off to find (Y/N).


(Y/N) saw Johnny walking over to her and she smiled, her long blue tail starting to wag happily. He smiled and sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Good boy, handsome." She teased as he chuckled and nuzzled the top of her head, avoiding the horns. "Tomorrow you get to show me what Mr. Tough guy is really made of, right?"

"Of course, babe." Johnny chuckled and showed his fangs that weren't always visible to everyone and snarled playfully. "I will break down the house as always."

"You always like showing off, huh?"

"It's not that... It's family tradition I suppose." He smiled and yawned before seeing that Sullivan had just finished talking to Dean Hardscrabble which seemed to have left him disappointed. "I wonder what he is so worried about..."

"I think she explained how Mike isn't scary when I think he is to an extent."

"The beach ball?" He received a warning growl at this. "Sorry-sorry. I mean, some of us will have different opinions on that guy. I would say he is more of that comedian guy act or something along them lines?"

"He has always been a funny guy. Since the day I met him here and even now, makes people smile, laugh and brightens up everybody's days in their worst moments."

"You really are friends, huh? I am sorry for getting in the way when I did. I do regret it more and more. Even that time you nearly killed me like twice."

"Uhm... Let's not talk about that, yeah?"

"Good idea, babe." Johnny chuckled and stood up, about to go the Fraternity House for the night to prepare for tomorrow's final event of the Scare Games.

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