Chapter 5 - The Hell Vanguard attacks

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A/N: Hell-Vanguards are demons from Devil May Cry 3. So no judging.

Sonic was only halfway out of Gogova village when he sees Hell-Vanguards appearing in purple and black smoke. Sonic had a twistedly angered glare as he summoned his scythe his pink pattern on his arm glowed. He growled and glared at the Hell-Vanguards before he rushes towards them with one slash at them after the other. The Gogova's felt terrified while they were hiding. One of the Gogova's said to their leader (and father), "Remind me never to guilt trip him again. He's more ticked than I ever seen him." The Gogova leader said trying to guilt trip, "Oh sure how about we just stay here until we get our souls sucked away by these monsters looking grim reapers." Half of the Gogova's said angrily, "THIS IS NOT THE TIME!" Sonic was furious as he slashed one Hell-Vanguard after another. His eyes were burning with anger, revenge, sorrow, and the cold flames were in his pupils. After he slashes the next one. Sonic then sees the last one. It was black and dark blue and bigger than the other dead ones. It ticked off Sonic at the sight of it. He clenched his teeth, gripped his hands on the glowing pink scythe, and his eyes focused to destroy it. Things we're silent and still about 10 seconds though it felt like 10 hours. But then Sonic charged at it as the Hell-Vanguard rushes as well. It was a scary sight for the Gogova's to handle. Sonic kept fighting it as the Hell-Vanguard tried to kill him. Sonic dodged its every attack before he finished it off with one aggressive swing which slices the last Hell-Vanguard in half. It let out a terrifyingly defeated groan as half of its body landed. That's when the monster glowed a black color and disappeared and reappeared on the upper left side of Sonics face. It was a neon pattern. The same as the pink neon pattern on his left arm only this ones black and glowed. Sonic heavily breaths as the Scythe disappeared out of Sonics hand. Sonic said as he sighed and sweated, "I'll be the Noctrunus's demise when I'm through with them." The Gogova leader then said as he hid behind his children terrified, "R-Remind me to never guilt trip him." One of the Gogova's smirked and said, "I thought you never say that." Sonic finally caught his breath as he heard slow clapping in front of him. Sonic sees that it was his old pal Grey-Sky The Wolf. He said, "Hey that was quiet a show buddy." Sonic asked, "What are you doing here Grey-Sky?" The grey wolf replied, "Well let's just say I came here to give you a bit of a word. Sonic powerful monsters like the Hell-Vanguard can also become a part of you. I mean imagine having a new tattoo on your left side of your face." Sonic looked at a pond before seeing he has another pattern on the left side of his face with wide eyes and shook in shock. Sonic then let's out a shriek before he heavily breaths. Grey-Sky then said, "Ya done?" Sonic nods before Grey-Sky then said, "Look what I'm getting at is that the Hell-Vanguards power is now a part of you not the monster itself. It can make a few of your weapons more powerful." Sonic then looks at him and said, "I ain't going to argue with it Grey-Sky. Stupid Noctrunus. Those monsterous echidna's are to blame. All of them!" Grey-Sky sighed and then said in a stern tone, "Now your holding your grudge on all echidnas? Dude take a chill." Sonic then said with an angered expression, "TAKE A CHILL?! I CANNOT TAKE A STUPID CHILL GREY!!" The grey wolf then said, "Settle down buddy. Oh and also. That anteater got murdered." Sonic calmed down and asked, "Mark? What happened did you beat him to death?" Grey-Sky replied, "I wish I did dude. But no. He was killed by your old flame." Sonics eyes widened as he muttered, "Serena?" Grey-Sky said with a grim expression, "Afraid so. You already heard the Noctrunus have turned her along with Rika and some others into their personal puppets by controlling their minds. Sonic you know what needs to be done." Sonic nodded before going forward as Grey-Sky said, "Be careful dude." Sonic nods as he exits GoGova village. One of the Gogova's said, "Should we say anything?" The second Gogova shook his head no.

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