Chapter 15 - Lighning-Bolt memorial

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The Lightning bolt society was having a memorial in their lodge. Mourning the loss of Willy Walrus. Dave started speaking up, "We are gathered here today to honor the memory and suffer the loss of our dear member of the lightning bolt society. Sure Willy Walrus wasn't a brilliant escape artist but he was a genius...besides the Chameleon." The Chameleon said offended while crying, "We-Well that was hurtful. But still." The Chameleon started crying as the weasel bandits started to as well. Then all of a sudden Amy and Sticks. Burst in which made the lightning Bolts jump in surprise. Amy then said, "Alright fess up you clowns!" Sticks then asked, "Where is Sonic and no one lie about it." A few of the members looked at each other before Dave spoke up, "What is this about? The only thing we have been doing is grieving for Willy! We never knew he was dead. *sniffs* We all never knew he was actually dead. *whimpering* He was a great member of our team. *with a scowling face with the tears in his eyes* Although he slept with my mom." He then began to cry as the other members started to. Amy and Sticks looked at each other before Amy asked in a dull-tone, "Wouldn't it be easier to do it in the funeral home?" One of The Weasel bandits said, "We got banned there for messing with the coffins." Amy and Sticks jaws dropped. Sticks asked, "So none of you know where Sonic is?!" The lighting bolts society shook their heads with so much sadness. The Chameleon said while blowing his nose, "E-Even if we did. He be *sniffs* He be...*whimpering* He be totally angry at us for being in his way." Amy and Sticks didn't know what they meant by that but they shrugged. One of the weasel bandits asked, "I *sniffs* I don't mean if this is any of my business but...*sniffs* are you two sleeping together?" Amy and Sticks looked at each other before Sticks replied as she walked away dragging Amy out, "Not yet." When they got out they continued Willy Walrus's memorial. One of the Weasels bandits asked the other, "What do you mean? Are they dating?" One of the weasel bandits nodded before Dave butted in, "Look. This is a memorial for Willy. We'll spread rumors about those two cause we love doing evil and it be for fun. Now let's continue." And so they did.

Meanwhile with Amy and Sticks who were already out of their lodge. Sticks said, "Well were at a dead end." Amy nods her head in agreement. Sticks sees no one around before grabbing Amy by the waste and said, "I know we just got together babe. But believe me. It's worth it." Amy smiled and nodded in agreement before they starting making out once again while walking back to where Tails and Knuckles were.

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