Chapter 20 - Freeing Rika

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Sonic looked all over for Rika. Sonic thought to himself as he tries to find Rika, "So if memory serves, The pink pattern gives me the power to summon a weapon I could think of, The black pattern on the left side of my face gives me the power to paralyze a person or two for three minutes. And a course the golden pattern on my back gives me the power to fly or reach over the highest of places, the green pattern on my right arm gives me the power to summon some magic of some sort, and the black pattern on one of my quills can possibly make make my paralyzing power stronger. I may never know. Geez I feel like a glow stick when they glowed. I gotta find Rika. I cannot let anyone get hurt again." Sonic entered the forbidden swamp as he looked around. He sensed a 17 zombies in the forbidden swamp. Legend says about the forbidden swamp that 17 people were exploring the depths of the swamp but ended up eaten by crooked alligators that lived there. They say they can come back as zombies when someone enters the forbidden swamp. Fortunately no one dares to go there cause they believed the legend is real. By the time Sonic was halfway through the swamp, he sees the 17 zombies in his path. They're skin was rotting, they're teeth already started to decay, some parts of their bodies were already eaten by the crooked Alligator, Dry blood was on what's left of their clothes, and a few of their noses have fallen off. One of the zombies groaned and said as its bottom jaw was dripping a goopy, disgusting, and wretched smelled slime, "Trespasser must die..." the other a zombie with half of its face chomped off by the crooked alligator said as it pointed at Sonic with its dead and rotting finger with a worm or two coming out of it, "Get...trespasser." Six of the zombies charged at the blue hedgehog while they groaned in a terrifying way. Though that didn't stop Sonic from fighting. The pink sword appeared in his left hand. He knew the only way to kill the zombies and that is to destroy the brain or knocked their heads off (even if it means crushing them to a complete and uttered mush of gore and blood). He sliced three of the zombies upper part of the head (which caused their brains to be sliced in half), one he kept stabbing in the forehead where the brain is, two he slices their heads into 100 pieces, ninja style. 9 more charged at him as the zombie with the half eaten face said, "Get...him..." that's when Sonic used his magic from his right hand. He used his fire sphere (similar to Chaos sphere) spell to shoot all 9 of the zombies. Luckily they were lined up (cause they thought they could line up and attack.) in a row. Sonic turn to the three remaining zombies and said, "Your turn! Where is my friend!?" One of the three zombies said, "We no tell. Atta..." before it can finish its sentence, Sonic slices the zombie in half and slice the head in half as well. Now there were two zombies remaining. Sonics pink sword turned into a gun and he shot the first remaining zombie. Sonic turn and knocked the last zombie onto the ground. Then he looked at it and said, "Don't try to fool with me." Thats when he stomped onto the last zombies head multiple times. Until it was nothing but gore and blood. Sonic sighed stressfully. Before he could react, he was knocked down on his knees. He turned to see Rika (who didn't look the same). She was dark and was wearing a black and dark blue outfit that like an female edgy punks outfit. Sonic then sees the orb thing he got from Sonicmaster. He stood up and grabbed it as he muttered, "I hope this saves her." Thats when Rika charged at him fast. Before she do anything, Sonic used the orb thing and it glowed a bright green. Rika screamed as the glow was brighter. She kept screaming until the glow faded. Rika was her old self again. She fainted into Sonics arms as Sonic caught her. Sonic then said with a soft but sad voice, "Rika. Please be okay buddy. Rika are you alright?" Rika opened her eyes and said, "Get me some chili-cheese fries and I will." Sonic gasped happily and said Rika's name as the cobalt hedgehog hugged her. Rika smiled and said, "Ya saved me without killing me. Thanks buddy." Sonic helped her up just after he got up. He then said, "Let's get you home Rika." The female cobalt hedgehog nodded before the two of them walked back to EverBrave village. Though the same Noctrunus spy was watching them and snarled. The spy said, "Ugh!! The tramp!! He's a bit challenging than I thought." The spy then shouted 'causing the crooked alligators to get her attention, "What's it take this blue brat down!?!?!?!?"

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