Chapter 19 - Updates on the Noctrunus war

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Elder Wink and Mayor Fink are both at their wits. They decided to hear reports on any updates on what has been happening. Mayor Fink asked, "Brother who should we go to first?" Elder Wink then said, "We gotta check on our head soldier Peach. He must give us an update." That's when Mayor Fink sees Peach and said, "Well there he is." Elder Wink asked her, "Peach? What's the status?" Peach solutes and said, "Sir! The Noctrunus are still on the run sir! Though a few who have fallen into the Noctrunus corruption have been freed after their deaths thanks to Sonic sir! Me and three other soldiers have intel that half of the Noctrunus are fallen thanks to our soldiers but mostly Sonic sir!" Elder Wink then said, "I'm glad to hear. Any bad news?" Peach then said still diluting, "Sir we have intel that the Noctrunus are planning something big sir! A few soldiers were reported killed by the Noctrunus sir! Gogova village is still under repair from the Hell-Vanguard attack sir!" Elder Wink then said, "I see. Right now my brother and I haft to update with the other villagers. Now go and warn the other soldiers!" Peach solutes and said, "SIR YES SIR!!" He then runs off as Elder Wink and Mayor Fink nodded and looked at each other. He spoke to the other villagers, like Ben, Jelliet (Peach's mother), Banana, Raisin, Greenapple, Nicky, Alen, Sophie, Jackie, Speedy, Bolt, and Jackie Clown-Hog to tell people to stay in their homes for the time being until the Noctrunus are defeated. Sure enough they did but mostly Jelliet did the work. Then Wink and Fink went over to the clinic. They passed by Lunarius
Who was visiting Tydrager who was sick with the flu.
They passed by Creation, Doll maker, and MechaMaster who were in the dark hallway messing with the living dead. They passed by Silver, Nicky, and Alen who were worried and talking about the Noctrunus war being over or not but unaware that Hazel was hiding and snickering at the Noctrunus damage is scaring the villagers. They even passed by a scared Sora who was being comforted by the other (Espios protege) Sora and his friends Hip and Cody. Elder Wink whispered, "This is beginning to get worrisome for my village." Mayor Fink said, "Don't haft to tell me brother. My village is still worried too." It wasn't long until they reach Manics room where Dr. Cherry was checking on him. Elder Fink said, "Anything Doc?" Cherry said while checking the charts, "He's stable but he's still... Well you know." Elder Wink asked, "Nothing new?" Dr. Cherry shook her head before she said, "Nope nothing new yet. I'll let you know. Elder I hate to say it but both yours and Mayor finks village are beginning to panic. I can even see a panic outside this window." She looks out the window to see Walrus male and one of the EverBrave villagers screaming and running around before bumping into each other with a grunt." Elder Wink and Mayor Fink looked at each other with worried expressions as Dr. Cherry shook her head slowly with a groan.

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