Chapter 13 - The search for Sonic begins part 2

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Tails was at his workshop on the communicator with Zoey who had been so angry at him for what happened. Tails said in a upset tone, "I know what I have done and I'm sorry. I-It was suppose to be a joke. A harmless prank." Zoey then replied in the communicator in an angered and upsetting tone, "Well your so called joke/harmless prank cost your own best friend his life! Why didn't you stop when he told you too? I was one of the only ones who didn't think it was funny! You his own best friend and brother! He did everything for this whole stupid village and these people! This is how you all repay him?! Ugh!" Tails then said in tears, "I'M SORRY!! I DIDN'T WANT THIS FOR HIM!! YA THINK LECTURING ME WILL MAKE THIS EVEN BETTER?!" Zoey was silent before she said, "Ya know what? We're through Tails. Done!" Before Tails can say anything Zoey hung up which really made things bad. Tails sat on the couch, looking at the pictures of him and Sonic. He was starting to cry. He felt so ashamed of what happened. About one minute later Knuckles and the girls came in. Tails composed himself and said, "Hey guys whats the rush?" Knuckles sighed and said, "Well?.." He trailed off before Amy said in a dull tone, "Knuckles thinks Sonic might be alive." Tails eyes widened just after hearing that. Tails raised a brow and said, "I think this guilt of your is really starting to get into your head Knuckles." Sticks yelled, "That's what I thought." Before anyone could speak Knuckles said with a frown, "Come on you gotta believe me. H-His body is gone! Come see for yourself!" Knuckles runs out as the three of them followed. Amy then turn to the other two and said, "Okay he's really lost it. Can anyone reason with him?" Tails replied, "I don't know if I can. Besides Zoey and I broken up for what I did." Amy said, "I'm sorry to hear that Tails. Though I made out with Sticks." Tails felt awkward and said, "I..did not wanna hear that." When they arrived at the spot they were shocked and surprised to see the police investigating the scene finally. Knuckles asked one of the cops, "Did you find Sonics body?" The cop said, "Nope. We didn't see it. It wasn't dragged away or anything. But seriously we didn't see it. All we saw are the bodies of the villains you guys face everyday. All except the two robots and Barker." The cop looked at Orbot and Cubot grieving while holding on to each other in front of Eggmans burned dead body. Tails said looking at them, "That is just sad." Amy asked, "Who would do such a thing?" The cop shrugged before he walked back to the crime scene. The four sees the villains burnt and dead. Tails commented with a hint of fear and worry, "Gee. Most of the villains we faced are barbecued and not the good kind. They aren't just barbecued they are murdered and slaughtered." Then without a warning Soar The Eagle appeared with his camera crew as he said to the audience watching him, "This is Soar The Eagle giving you and update about the missing villains. And it's a sweet relief to announce the passing of most of the villains. The authorities confirmed that these burned bodies are none other than Dr. Eggman, Steve Eggman, Charlie and Belinda, and Willy Walrus. They couldn't confirm who or what caused their deaths but we can't say it's a suicide. That's for sure. *gets an update* This just in. Mark The Anteater has been found dead in his burned up house. How pitiful. That dumb and slightly annoying fan owed me 15 bucks." The four walked off as Knuckles said, "I told you guys so." Tails realized Knuckles is possibly right and said, "Knuckles is right. If the body wasn't found then Sonic might possibly be alive. I'm not sure how but if he is alive. Then something tells me that we gotta find him." Amy and Sticks agreed as Knuckles smiled. Knuckles asked, "Okay where can we start?" Tails thought and said, "We'll haft to split up to find him. Girls go to the lighting-bolt society's lair, I'll head to Gogova village, Knuckles you try to find Sonic in the village." The three said, "Alright." Then Amy and Sticks went to the direction of the lighting bolt lair, Knuckles to the village, and Tails to the Gogova village.

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