Chapter 10 - the nightmare

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Knuckles was at Tails house sleeping on the couch. At first he was sleeping peacefully but it was cut short when his peaceful look turned into a scared look. He was sweating and his eyes were twitching while he was whimpering.

<in the nightmare>

Knuckles was in the woods as he looked around. He was shuddering and whimpering. He saw nothing but trees that looked like they were ready to grab him, shadows that are ready to grab him. He then sees the thing in his sight that scares him most of all. He sees himself chocking Sonic like he did before. Knuckles shouted, "NO!! STOP!!" He was saying the same words as before before he got up and brutally beaten Sonics body into a bloody and gruesome pulp.

<out of the nightmare>

Knuckles turned and twist on the couch as he said panically in his sleep, "NO!! I DIDN'T DO THAT!"

<in the nightmare>

Knuckles just saw himself beating the crap out of Sonics body, before he sees himself turning to him and said with a smirk, "You are going to be hated." He walked away before Knuckles said as he attempted to get himself, "COME BACK HERE!" He stopped and took one frightened look at Sonics body. That's when Sonics eyes opened with hate and vengeance. Knuckles screamed and fell on his rear before backing up away from the bloody and beaten Sonic who had stood up as he said with a scary and hateful tone, "You killed me! Now I will kill you!!" Knuckles said as he backed away in a panic, "I-I-I'm sorry I was just kidding I didn't mean to kill you! Please Sonic no!" Sonic then said as he stomped on Knuckles stomach, "TOO LATE!!" Sonic then grabbed a bloody pipe which was used to be beaten with as he raises it up with its pointy side pointed to Knuckles chest. Sonic said, "Let's see how you like it when I kill you!!!" Sonic then literally started to stab him.

<out of the nightmare>

Knuckles screamed and kept saying with a terrified tone, "NO WAIT!! PLEASE!! ahh!! SONIC!! AHH!! PLEASE STOP IT HURTS I'M SORRY! AHHH!! PLEASE STOP!!" Knuckles then screamed as he woke up from the nightmare. He looked at himself and saw he was unharmed. He then sees it was raining. He then remembered he left Sonics body where they left it. He immediately ran to where he left the body only to find that Sonics body was gone. He gasped in fear as he said, "ITS GONE!! SONICS BODY IS GONE!! WHERE COULD IT..?!" He then gasped at the burned bodies of the villains. He hesitantly walked towards them and said, "Eggman...Charlie..every villain we faced is...dead. What happened?" The thunder roared as Knuckles ran away to tell the others unaware that Sonic was watching him with a glare. Sonic looked at his neon pink pattern arm and said, "Hmph! It took that idiot that long to know I'm not dead? They'll pay for trying to kill me. Just they wait."

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