Chapter 8: Backwards, part 6

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Bree tried to look up to see who had captured her, but she had been slung over their rough, shelled back like a sack of potatoes. She craned her neck to see orange mask tails flittering behind her 'rescuer'.

"Mikey! Put me down!" She shouted.

"Not way, dudett. Not until we're far, far away from those jerks!" Mikey replied. He sounded uncharacteristically worried. And angry

"But they're not evil! Kari isn't even Kari! Her name is Miwa!" Bree protested.

"If that were true, then why did they have us locked in cages a foot apart, with IVs injecting propofol into our bloodstreams?" Donnie questioned. He had run up alongside Mikey and Bree and had overheard their argument.

"Dumb it down a notch, Donnie. What's proprofaul?" Bree snapped

"For starters, it's propofol, not proprofaul. Secondly, it's what's doctors inject into you during major operations to keep you asleep." Donnie bragged. Now it made sense as to why Miwa had said Rocky had locked up the turtles.

"They thought you were evil! In this dimension, everything is the opposite! One of those things being Splinter is evil, and you guys are like his Fishface and Rahzar!" Bree crossed her arms and pouted, but she was bounced around so much that Mikey's shell started to scratch her elbows, so she let them hang loose.

They ran for a long while before Leo declared that they were far enough, and everyone stopped for a bit to figure out the next step. While they sat, Bree tried to convince them to turn around, but no one would listen. She sat farther away from the guys so she could think. She didn't hear them teasing Mikey.

"So, Mikey, when's the wedding?" Ralph joked.

"What are you talking about?" Mikey demanded.

"Oh, come on, Mikey! Even I saw the look you shot Bree just now. And you were being super protective of her. When we made the escape plan, you volunteered to rescue her." Ralph chortled.

Mikey was indignant, to say the least. "Not true, man! Bree and I are totally just friends!" He turned to the others for support. "Right?"

"Well..." Leo trail off. They all knew he'd had a thing for Kari (back in their dimension, of course), and ever since he'd been a little touchy on the whole romance thing.

Mikey turned to Donnie as a last resort but mentally prepared himself for what he might say.

"Um, w-well, Mikey, you know how much experience I have with, uh, crushes and stuff, and, um-" Donnie didn't get to finish, because he was interrupted by Bree yelling.

"NOT AGAIN!" And four silhouettes ran away, with Bree slung over one of their shoulders.

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