Chapter 14: Backwards, part 12

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Everyone was geared up and ready to go. Bree had even been lent a black long sleeved shirt and black leggings, but her feet were still bare. The Teenage Human Ninjas wore similar outfits, but each had a sash her color tied around their waists. For example, Maddy had an orange sash tied in a lose bow with her nunchucks tucked in with one on each side of her hips, Miwa had a sky blue sash with a simple but efficient knot and the sheath for her wakizashi blade on her left hip, Rockie had a tight, angry knot on her red sash with her sais jammed in, and Danyella's midnight purple sash was arranged just so, so that it not only went around her waist, but over her shoulder too so she could sling he bō-staff over her back, and since Bree technically didn't have a sash, she wore a cherry-blossom pink leash from one of Teng Shen's kimonos and tied it in a small, organized bow. The Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles wore their classic belts with holsters for their weapons, unnecessary bandages wrapped around their hands and feet, and let's not forget their elbow and knee pads.

Everyone knew the plan. Everyone was ready and focused. Except for Bree. It was her first mission, and she was a wreck, taking deep breaths through a paper bag at the kitchen island.

The girls' kitchen was exactly like the turtles, but a lot cleaner. Like, a lot.

Rocky walked up to her and sat down on one of the stools. She sat there awkwardly for a moment, while Bree rubbed her temples.

"I know what your gonna say." Bree started. "Your gonna say I'm not good enough. That I'm a wreck, and I shouldn't go on this mission. I'm not normally this nervous, you know. I still get worried sometimes, I just... keep it inside. But this time... if Splinter is as dangerous as The Shreader, then I don't know how I'm gonna make it." She took another deep breath through the bag.

Rocky waited. "You done?" Bree nodded. "That wasn't what I was going to say at all. I noticed you didn't have any shoes, so I brought these." She held up a pair of battered Nikes, so old and worn they looked as thought they had been broken and fixed a dozen times over a dozen different ways. They also each had a throwing star sewn to the toes with the Foot Clan insignia on them. For a moment, the insignia freaked Bree out, but then she remembered that there, everything was reversed, which must have meant that the good guys were the Foot Clan, and the bad guys were the Hamato Clan. "Don't you dare call me a sentimental sap or anything like that, but I went on my first mission with these shoes, and the stars are the ones I hit my first target with. I used to think they were my lucky shoes, but then I out grew them, and I realized I didn't need them or their magic. Now.. I want them to give you courage, not luck. Because your not alone. You have me, my sisters, Sensei, and your turtle friends."

Bree took the sneakers. "Wow, thanks, Rocky, I don-" then the smell hit her. The inside of the shoes reeked of sweat and death, and she dropped them immediately.

"Ohh, forgot to warn you about the smell... well, good luck!" She stood up, and clapped Bree on the back hard before heading out.

Bree looked down at the shoes. "Well, better than nothing, I guess... I wish I had some socks though..." and she began to wrestle them onto her feet.


Bree finished tieing the cloth bag to her sash. Inside was her weapon: twenty throwing stars. She was exceptionally good at throwing stuff, so Miwa had given them to her, after a bit of training, of course.

"Alright, no one split from your pair." Leo commanded. Since Bree and the turtles knew nothing about the world they were in, each had been assigned a buddy to stick by. Except Bree.

She spoke her worries. "Umm, you guys? How am I gonna keep up. Your all, like, mega fast."

They pondered this for a minute. "I could carry you. Or someone else." Donnie suggested. He seemed to be giving Mikey a pointed side-glance when he said 'someone else'.

"Oh! Oh! Me I will!" Mikey cried enthusiastically. He cleared his throat. "Um, I mean, I'll give you shelly-back ride, if you want, dudette."

Bree giggled. "Sure, Mikey, I would love to ride such an eccentric steed!"

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