Chapter 13: Backwards, Part 11

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The group was sitting in the living room pit. Teng Shen was standing in the back of the room, listening attentively to the conversation around her.

Danyella had the floor at the moment, "Donnie and I have been disgusing ways to get all of you home. And for fun, we made... a slide show!" She grinned enthusiastically and made jazz hands at the projection screen behind her, which was really just a white sheet she and Donnie had hung from the ceiling.

Crickets chirped.

Donnie cleared his throat. "Teng Shen, could you get the lights, please?" He asked. The wise woman obliged. Once the light from the projector was visible on the white sheet, Danyella clicked to the first slide, which was a sketch of an oval portal.


"As most of us know, Splinter is allied with the notorious underground civilization of The Krang, who live in the center of the earth."


this slide was a futuristic city filled with lava and Krang "A Krang portal got you here, so another one should get you back."

This is where Donnie started talking. "And our world needs us."


This slide was a mish-mash of things. Splinter meditating, Shreader on his throne, with foot bots behind him, Fish Face, and Dog Pound one his right, and Beebop and Rocksteady on his left.

Teng Shen spoke up. "How do we achieve a portal trip? After all, Splinter has the most fortified operation on the planet."

Danyella said, "We figured this would be a good time for Miwa and Leo to take over. With Miwa's knowledge of this world, and their combined planning skills, I believe we are bound for success!"

Bree stood on the couch. "Okay, team, it's time we took the battle to Splinter!" She posed heroically, her feet shoulder length apart, one pushed back ever so slightly, and one fist pumped in the air, but the other clenched at her hip, and a mischievous grin on her lips. There was dead silence for at least three minutes. "Was that cool?" She asked.

"Definitely!" Maddie assured, stuffing popcorn into her mouth.

"Where did you get popcorn?" Leo asked.

"Seriously? I had it this whole time!"

TMNT Dimensions (completed, under editing)Where stories live. Discover now