Chapter 15: Backwards, part 13

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The wind rushed past Bree, screaming in her ears and tugging at her hair as her 'eccentric steed' Mikey ran and jumped from building to building. Her eyes began to water, and she buried her head in Mikey's neck. After a moment, she realized what she was doing, and she jerked her head up, blushing profoundly from embarrassment and cold. Unbeknownst to her, Mikey was also blushing.

Madeline, their buddy, ran beside them. She bounced her eye brows up and down meaningfully at Mikey. He pretended not to notice.


Everyone snuck single file into the 'abandoned' church building through a broken stain-glass window. Bree was surprised the bad guy lair was still a place of worship, but then again, the good guys still lived in the sewers. Bree guessed that some details were just to important to be changed. Below them was a smooth throne on a raised platform. On the throne sat the evil Splinter himself. The platform leaked down into a small set of stairs, which then spilled into a long walkway that stretched from the stairs to large, old oak double doors. And for some absurd reason, the rafters and ceiling beams were draped in chains.

Also on the platform was a vat of red and orange goop. Miwa pointed to it. "That's humitagin." She said. Bree stared at the scientific sludge.

Donnie whispered giddily. "Of course! The color of humitagin is the exact opposite of the color of mutagen on the common color wheel!"

Suddenly, Bree realized Splinter was talking to someone. She shushed her friends as quickly and quietly as she could.

They crept along the ceiling beams, trying to get a better eye and ear on what was going on. Splinter was talking to four henchmen, but from that high up, that was all Bree could tell. She also noticed that Splinter looked like Hamato Yoshi rather than Splinter. Surprisingly, his voice carried, and even echoed, amoung the rafters where they all crouched.

"Who can tell me our plan?" He sounded a lot like the wise, caring Splinter Bree and the turtles knew, but his voice had an angry edge to it, like he had a fire raging in his heart. An angry fire that consumed every positive emotion that passed through him.

One stood and bowed to his master before he spoke. "To rewrite society with humitagin." He sounded like Leo. Bree actually had to look over at her green friend to be sure he wasn't the one who had talked, but his mouth didn't move, and he looked just as shocked as she felt.

"Correct, Loathing Leonardo. But who can tell me why?" Splinter said in his sinister voice.

Another henchmen stood, but this one wasn't respectful like the other. He started jumping up and down with excitement. "I know! I know! Because your insecure about being a human and you don't want to be one of the only ones, but there's no way to get your mutant form back!" This henchmen sounded like Mikey.

The first henchmen, 'Loathing Leonardo', whopped the other up-side his head. "No, doofus. The answer is world domination!"

Splinter stood, and the ninjas' and friend in the rafters could tell just by his posture that Splinter seething. "For your ignorance, Menacing Mike," Splinter seemed to spit the name, like it was a terrible flavor, "we shall spar."

'Menacing Mike' stiffened, and it was obvious how afraid he was. The other henchmen skittered away, and sat off to the side of the walkway. Menacing Mike and Splinter took center stage, both in fight positions.

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