Chapter 10

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Before you read, can you guys maybe check out a new 1D/werewolf story i wrote called "Cursed"?

It's pretty good just that the bio is a bit dull ... Carry on!


I was running through the forest in a silky, long dress. It was night but there weren't any stars out. The only light was from the full moon as it illuminated the whole forest. I ignored the blood seeping out the soles of my feet as I ran through the frozen dirt.

"Run!" Something inside me kept yelling. I ran faster. "Run!" Faster.

I immediately stopped when I saw Liam. He had on a white shirt drenched in fresh blood. His face was pale and ghost like. "Liam?" I carefully take a step closer to him. He smiled softly before collapsing to the ground, clutching his stomach tightly.

"Liam!" I Yelled. I dropped down to the ground laying next to his weak body. He dug his nails to the dirt as he choked out black blood.

"They're here," he whispered. He struggled to sit and meet my eyes. But when he did, I started crying. Is it possible to feel his pain? Because I certainly did.

"W-who?" I choked out.

There was growling coming from behind us. "Go!" He gasped.

"I'm not leaving without you!" I tried forcing his body up but he just shook his head.

"You have to," he cupped my cheek, smiling sadly. My eyes started tearing uncontrollably and he wiped them away with his thumb. He looked into my watery eyes before kissing my forehead softly. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered. A tear slowly rolled down his pale cheek. "To much to live without you."

He widens his eyes. "No! You have to go!"

"Either we live together or die trying. I can't be without you." He looks down, avoiding my gaze. I softly lifted his chin and lowered my head, making our lips meet. I lean back and he groans in pain. His hands reach down to his stomach and he lays both hands on it. Pressing down on it, he lifts his head up, hissing.

Two brown wolves with glowing blue eyes appear from behind a big tree. They snarl as they surround us. I feel adrenaline go through my body and I get a sudden reassurance that I'm strong enough to take them. One jumps on Liam, bitting his arm. I grab the wolf and throw it at a tree. The wolf slams against the tree and falls to the ground.

"Liam are you okay?" He was loosing too much blood. I started walking towards him but stopped when I felt a surging pain shoot up my right arm. The second rouge was bitting my arm and red foam was spewing out from it's snout.

I punch it's skull making a craking sound occur before it falls to the ground. Suddenly the wolf that was thrown against the tree howls a high pitch howl. I cover my ears as the other wolf joins in and before I know it we're faced with 10 more identical wolves.

Without thinking, I run up to them. I knock 3 down until one jumps on my back. It bits my neck and I drop down to my knees. I ignore the pain as I snap the wolf's neck. I get up as another jumps on me and then another. I manage to push them off before collapsing to the ground on my knees.

I lean against a tree as they surround me. They're all about to kill me yet only one thing was going through my mind, Liam.

"Bethany!" I hear him yell as the wolves attack me. I look at him and see the veins in his neck show as he stretched out his hand, screaming my name. But I didn't hear any screaming, it came out more like quiet muffling. He winces as he brings his body up and slowly staggers towards me. Everything became blurry and my whole body started feeling numb. I felt myself slipping away but I fought to stay.

"Liam?" I muttered. I narrowed my eyes and focused hard to see through the blur. Liam's back was turned to me but I saw how it rise unsteadily. The rouges were dead at his feet. He turns around and that's when I noticed his sharp teeth, long claws, and glowing red eyes. He lifts up his head letting out a deep, menacing howl before ripping off his shirt. The wounds he had were gone, not a single trace of them on his sculpted body. He looks at me through the darkness before running away in all fours.

I wake up with a start. My hair was clinging onto my sweaty head and my chest was raising abnormally fast. I look over the night stand and sigh. 5:00 am, great. Deciding I can't go back to sleep after that realistically scary dream, I get up and head to the shower. After I'm done I head back to my room.

I can't get that dream out of my head it felt so...real. I can't explain it but it was as if I was actually there. I felt everything: The rouges, the pain...the love. I start pacing around my room thinking about the dreams meaning. My mother always used to tell me that a dream has a deeper meaning than it shows, in this case it seems like a warning.

Maybe...maybe this is a warning for the future. Or maybe its...Ugh, I can't think clearly! I stop pacing and open my window. I step on a tree branch and start climbing down. I run past the trees until I get to my quiet place.

It's a rock on the edge of a cliff, and 10 feet below is the ocean. My mother used to take me here to listen to the waves before she passed away. I sit down on the large, flat rock and cross my legs. Closing my eyes, I take in a deep breath and listen to the sound of the waves crashing.

"I thought I heard you running in the woods." I open my eyes and turn around to see Crystal. Out of all people she has to be here? Aren't we still fighting?

"Chris?" She sits down next to me on the large rock.

"Are you okay Beth?" She asked worriedly. She sounded so kind, it felt kind of weird considering we completely ignored each other since that day at the concert.

"Don't you hate me?" I asked confused.

She chuckles a bit."That was seriously stupid. I was being selfish, I knew there was something wrong but I wanted to stay anyways. I'm really sorry Beth." Her eyes were watery which didn't help me feel any better at all.

"I'm sorry too Chris," I hug her tight. I didn't want to admit it before but damn I missed her."I was being stupid and reckless! But I couldn't help it, I found my mate at the concert and it was awful!"

She pulls me off and opens her mouth in shock."You found your mate?! Is he hot? Wait why is he in a one direction concert? Is he gay?!" She blurted out.

"Uh...yeah he was at the concert and no he's not gay," I laugh weakly.

"Then why did it turn out awful?" She asked puzzled.

"Because my mate's in a stupid, world famous pop band." I say glumly, putting my head In my hands.

"Come again?!" Her eyes were practically bulging out.

"Liam Payne is my mate," I shake my head at how strange it sounds saying it out loud. "He rejected me for this Danielle person.

"No way! Liam Payne is a shifter!" She leaned closer.

"Yeah but weird thing is that he didn't even know he was one himself." I gaze at the black waves crashing against the cliff. "Chris?"


"I had a dream about him. What does that mean?"

"What kind of dream?" She asks. I tell her about my dream and make sure to fit ever little detail in. She made sure to 'ooh' and 'ahh' at the right times. "Wow." Was all she said when I finished.

"I know right." It feels good to let it all off, I thought.

"I honestly think you should should take it as a warning." She said seriously. "He needs you Beth." I look at the rising sun before looking back at her. I nod slowly.


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