Chapter 11

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Liam's POV

"Liam focus!" I trip over Harry's feet and fall straight to the ground. I groan in pain as my face painfully connects with the wooden floor.

I hear another thump and lift up my head to see Harry on the ground next to me.

"Liam!" Yells Harry. I sit up and apologize to the choreographer.

"You've been unfocused all day!" Yelled our performing choreographer, James.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. "It won't happen again."

"That's what you said an hour ago!" He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. He exhales deeply before sending us off for a 10 minute break.

"What's going on man?" Niall jogged up next to me. I shrug as I take a sip from my icy water bottle. I lean against the white wall, zoning out.

"Liam, you can tell me anything, you know? We're practically brothers, right?" He leans against the wall next to me.

"Yeah, it's just..." I trail off taking another sip of water.

"Just...?" He urges me to continue.

"It's just that I had a bad dream is all." I shrug.

"What was it about?" He asked curiously.

" was nothing. I don't really feel like talking about it," I smile weakly. "But if I did you'd be the first I'd talk to."

He nods understandably before patting my back and walking away.

I zone out thinking about the dream. It was me walking in a dark forest when out of nowhere I see Bethany running to me. She kept screaming for me to run with her, that we were in danger. I look ahead and see a faceless middle aged couple calling my name. I started unconsciously walking towards them until Bethany pulled me back saying they were what she was running from. But instead of listening to her, I shoved her off and kept walking.

As I started walking away with them I felt an intensifying pain on my back. Bethany yelled my name and I turn around to see the couple blank faces, but this time they had mouths. Their mouths were twisted into a dark, sinister smile. I reached to my back to felt a knife sticking out. I yanked it out before collapsing to the ground. The last thing I saw was Bethany covered in blood as she crawled towards me, crying my name. Then the nightmares was over and I woke up, dripping with sweat.

"Breaks over!" Yells James. I snap out of my thoughts and trudge my way over. Niall gives me a worried glance before standing next to me. "Okay now we'll practice performing Live While We're Young and this time try to do it without tripping over each other." He gives me a look when he says 'without' before smiling to the rest of the boys.

After two more hours of excruciating practice, we were finally done. I was making my way out the door with my duffle bag when I heard my name being called. I turn around to see the guys running up to me.

"Hey Liam!" Yells Louis.

"Yeah?" My hand was to the double doors and I had to force myself to not walk away.

"You wanna go eat with us?" Asked Zayn. No, what I want is to be alone, I thought.

"Um...nah I think Im just going to my loft," I said as casual as I can."Maybe next time."

They exchange looks before shrugging.

"Ok bye then." Says Harry. They all take turns patting my back as they walk out.

Niall was last and before patting my back he looks at me worriedly asking, "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah Im fine." I smile. He nods before walking out. I wait until they're gone before walking out to the busy streets of London. I walk to my flat as its just a 5 minute walk and I sigh when I'm finally there. I take the elevator up and unlock the door. I toss my keys on the table and drop my duffle bag next to door before closing it. I kick off my shoes and walk to my living room. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels until I see a familiar yellow sponge cooking patties.

I grab my laptop from the coffee table and turn it on. I go on twitter and smile at the funny tweets my fans sent to me. I was about to retweet one when My Skype started ringing from an incoming call. Danielle's caller ID starting flashing on the screen, causing me to silently groan. She appears on my screen, smiling happily.

"Hi." I say monotone.

"Hey!" She chirped. I wince at how happy her tone is. "So guess what?"

"What?" I ask, not caring.

She ignores my lack of enthusiasm as she continues chatting about a dress she bought like it was the most interesting thing on the planet. I made sure to nod at the right times even though I didn't give a rats ass.

"Oh Liam guess what else?"


"I'm coming to visit you!" She yelled.

My eyes widen and instead of being a good boyfriend and feeling happy I felt the complete opposite.

"Why?!" I asked, a little too urgent.

She gives me a questioning look before saying,"They let me have the whole week off so I can be with you!"

I force myself to smile as I say through gritted teeth,"That's great baby. Listen I gotta go, I talk to you later."

"Ok Liamkins, I lov-" I hanged up the call. I close my laptop and exhale deeply. She's my girlfriend and I love her, right? How could everything change so quickly? One day I'm singing at a concert thinking bout nothing but my amazing job and life then the next the thing I know I'm having deranged dreams and avoiding my girlfriend at all costs. How could it all go wrong from just one girl? One seemingly perfect girl?


Lets all take a moment to read this...

Okay so Im American so I don't know the UK so well right? But Lets just pretend that Wolverhampton and London are all pretty close M'kay? For the sake of me and my bummie story? Ok good! Now that that's out of the way I hope you enjoyed this sucky chapter cause I sure didn't ! Okay love you my little lovelies byeeeee

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