Chapter 7

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Sorry i haven't updated a while! Yanno with school, missing my laptop, and hurricane sandy it was kinda hard to update.. but anyways, here it is! Chapter 7 at your service, WOOHOO! enjoy!!xX

Ohh p.s I edited it so its different ..


Slowly opening the door, I peek outside to see if he left. Yup, now I'm completely and utterly alone. I finally find my true pair and he rejected me like I was a piece of dirt. For what? A human. I'll never understand how someone I just met can wound me worse than a bullet.

A part of me wanted to run after him but I used all my common sense to stay. He'll soon realize she's not the one. His wolf will enventually over power him and force him to be with me, whether he likes it or not.

Standing straight, I hold back the tears threatening to spill. I walk out the dark empty room and into the bright hallway. Walking back to the dressing room, the voices started to get louder. Ignoring the hellos, I walk over to a seat and plop down.

"Hi." Chris waved at me, before continuing her conversation with a boy.

"Where's Liam?" I asked.

"He left a few minutes ago. We're not sure where," Responded the boy with sea green eyes-Louis I think it was. I can't believe Liam just left. How will I talk to him now? Ugh, I screwed up big time. I just want to go home.

"I want to leave." I told Crystal. At first she ignored me until I started whining her name repeatedly. She excuses herself from the blonde boy whose name I forgotten, and grabs my hand, yanking me outside.

"We're staying longer." She hissed.

"No, I wanna leave now!"

"You can't tell me what to do." She smirked.

"Come on, please!" I begged.

"No! Stop selfish Beth!" She half whispered, half yelled.

"As daughter of the alpha and next in line, I command you to take me home." I ordered. She looks at me like she couldn't believe what I just said.

Laughing, she looks me in the eyes. "Walk your royal ass home, my highness." She then bows sarcastically and walks away. I growl as she walks back to the dressing room.

Opening the door to the parking lot, I inhale deeply, filling my lungs with air. Finally, good old fresh air. Out of nowhere I feel a hand on my shoulder. I swiftly grab their arm and turn the the person around, putting them in a head lock.

"It's me! Let go!" Choked the person. He kept tapping my arm and then I realized he had the scent of a male human. Great, a human. I don't really get along with them as you can tell. Actually, I can't stand them. They're disloyal, dishonest and not to mention they reek.

They fear what they don't understand and thats why they used to hunt my kind down. Some shifters like Chris were able to forget the past and actually gets along with humans, but others like me despise them till this day.

Letting him go, he starts coughing and rubbing his neck. Now in the light I was able to make out his features and see that he was a member of the band.

"Sorry, instincts." I smiled, not at all sorry.

"Wow those are some wicked instincts." He mumbled.

"State your name and purpose." I ordered.

Standing up straight, he puts his right hand to his forehead, mimicking a soldier. " My name is Harry and I'm here to give you a ride, sir!"

"Ha ha, very funny. I don't need a ride." I said dryly.

"Are you sure, its pretty chilly out and I can keep you warm?" he winked.

"Yes. Now leave."

"I want to take you. Please? It's my way of apologizing for being a jerk." He smiled, exposing two deep dimples on his cheeks. I was going to say no again but he actually seemed genuine this time. We walked to his car and surprisingly, he opened the door for me. Mumbling a thank you, I get in my seat. He closes the door and gets in his seat.

The ride home was pretty quiet except for the faint noise of the radio and the occasional sound of me telling him when to turn. Finally home, I stretch my hand out for him to shake. Raising an eyebrow, he shakes it.

"Thank you for the ride, it was most appreciated."

"Why are you so serious?" He laughs."You've got to loosen up."

"I don't loosen up to strangers."

"Well, I hope we won't be strangers for long. I'd really would like to get to know you."He smiled.

"Maybe one day." I smiled back.

"Hey...can I ask you something?"


"What happened at the dressing room...what happened to know, your eyes?"

"Sorry I don't know what you're talking about," Opening the door, I get out and smile sweetly at him. "Goodnight Harry." I wave goodbye and run to the front door of my house, also known as the pack's house. Unlocking it, I run up to my room and jump on my comfy bed. Looking at the clock on my night stand I gasp. 2 am! Ugh great, I have to train with the pack tomorrow at the crake of dawn. Curse Crystal.


hope you enjoyed. Vote, fan, comment!!!!

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