Chapter 8

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Bethany's POV

"Rise and shine!"

Groaning, I rub my eyes and look at the clock. Great, its dawn already. I force my body up and somehow control my legs to the door and open it, revealing a smiling face. "Good morning! We have pack training, better get ready," said Seth as I pushed him aside. Seriously, how is he like this in the mornings? I'm barely half alive right now.

"Go away Seth," I yawn.

"Love you too, buddy!" I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I strip off and jump into the shower, sighing when the cold water hits my face. After I'm done, I go to my room and change into sweatpants and a tank top. I tie up my hair and run downstairs where the rest of the guys are waiting for me.

"Hey," they all greet. I smile and mumble a hello before standing next to Seth on the long line. This is the regular group of the advanced training. Since my dad wants me to be a strong leader, I'm the only girl out of all the boys. That and the fact that I would be the first target of enemies. Not even Crystal, daughter of beta has to attend.

"Attention!" Yelled Alpha Tyler, aka my dad as he walked outside. He walks through the line, inspecting each boy as he hits them with a stick. As he passes me, I immediately stand straight with either hands on my side. He brings the stick behind his head and then brings it back towards my arm with force making a 'whoosh' sound occur. I try my best to not show any emotion as the searing pain runs through my body. If I as so much blink that would cause him to hit me harder.

After seeing that I didn't flinch he nods in approval, walking to the boy next to me.

After he finished, he calls two young boys who failed to mask their pain. He circles them with the stick, touching them ever so softly. The boys close their eyes preparing for worst. He whipped the first boy's legs with all his force making sure a scar will appear, thats how he knows they will not forget his power. The first boy grinds his teeth but stays silent. The second boy wasn't as lucky as he let out a small whimper. Smirking, the alpha hits him even harder on the back. I look away to the woods feeling bad for the kids.

Alpha Tyler repeatedly hits the second boy until the boy doesn't even as much as breath in fear. But by then the boy's back was covered in dripping blood. He sends the two boys to clean up and then orders the rest of us to pick a partner and practice our combat training.

After two hours of repeatedly beating Seth, we were given a 5 minute break. I run to the forest with the rest of the pack to get water from the lake near by. You might think it's gross to drink unpurified water but to us it's just as good as your regular bottled water. We're natives and we'll survive off the land-if we have to at least. People think us werewolves eat deer and any other animal we can find, but we actually eat normal food, just massively large amounts of it. Well there are times when newbies (people who recently shifted) try to kill anything on sight in their wolf form, but other than that we don't alway enjoy eating raw meat.

After drinking what seemed like a gallon of water, I head back with the rest. After a few more hours of excruciating training, we were finally finished. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and run to my room where I take another shower. When I get out I get dressed in another pair of sweats and a tank top. Sadly my hard labor of a day isn't over yet. I run downstairs then out to the young kids waiting for me.

They all consisted of young boys in their early teens. They were what we called "future fighters". Once you reach the age of 10, you join the future fighters and train until you turn 16. Then you are moved into another group called "Advanced Group." Once mated you are put into another group of specially advanced training where you are taught to control your wolf form. This group will fight in a battle if needed. We just called this group "Warriors." Since I'm head student in the Advanced group, I became the future fighters' trainer.

"Ok guys, run 5 laps. Now." They all groan before running to the forest.

Liam's POV

"Niall get out my room! I'm about to Skype with Dani!" I walk over to the Irish who was lazily sitting on my couch, flipping through the channels.

"But Liam," he whined. "My hotel room is boring, can't I just stay? Please?" He started batting his eyelashes.

"Out," I said pointing to the door. He does a childish pout before walking out the door. As he closes the door behind him, I run to my laptop and log on to Skype. I click on the contact and wait as the ring sounds. A few seconds pass before I'm faced to face-well screen to face- with my girlfriend.

"Hey Liam," she grins excitedly. I would usually smile from ear to ear whenever she says my name but for some reason I couldn't. Something's off...

"Hey Dani," I say with less excitement. She starts talking about her day and I can't help but notice how her voice was slightly irritating. How her hair didn't seem as soft and touchable as I remembered. How her lips didn't seem as kissable as before, once sweet and inviting now seem thin and plain. Every time I picked up another one of her flaws, one person kept coming to mind. How that one person didn't have a single flaw, not a trace of imperfection. That one unforgettably beautiful person.

"Liam?" Said a voice. I snap out of my thoughts to see Danielle looking at me.


"Were you even paying any attention?" She seemed angry...oh well.

"Of course babe." I fake smiled. Even calling her babe seemed wrong. I can't shake out the feeling that this is all wrong. She smiles before talking more about her day and the latest dance moves she'd learned. My eyelids start drooping and I can feel myself slowly die from boredom. I force open my eyes and stare at her mouth that never seemed to close. I start to think of the girl from the concert, Bethany, again.

Is it so wrong to feel so much from a stranger? Just the thought of her name makes me jump in delight.

"Danielle I got to go!" I yelled as I clicked the end button. I lean against the couch, sighing in relief. Peace at last.

Hope you enjoyed! This is more like to show you what Liam feels and what Bethany's life is like. Don't hate on me for saying those stuff about Danielle, I have nothing against her. I just wrote it too show how Liam is slowly drifting away from her and all that! Vote, comment, fan and all that pleaaase! xX

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