Chapter 16

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hey guys, so I did this on my phone so I can't indent or make it look all pretty and whatever but... you know yolo (I mean it in the most sarcastically way possible....don't kill me)

Be sure to check out my other books *coughs hysterically* broken angels



He closed the door behind us and tossed the keys on a wooden table near the kitchen. "Sit," he instructed, indicating towards the two couches in the living room. I sat down in one, causing the leather to make an unflattering sound. He flashed me a small smile, one of the first since I've met him and said,"it does that sometimes." I smiled, not knowing what else to respond with.

He sat down on the couch across from me, and let out a puff of breath. "You look like hell."

"Feel like it too." I sighed. "Look," I started, being careful how to deliver my every word. "A lot things are happening and it's scaring me too but you can't just keep running away from this. You're putting your loved ones in danger just by being here. You're not normal Liam, no matter how hard you try to deny it and I'm sorry but I think it's safest to come back home with me."

"With you?" he struck, a chuckle rumbling his chest. "Where I was one second away from being wolf chow? I might not be normal but I am not that. I will never be a monster, and I will never hurt my family." He leant closer to me, his movements fierce.

"Liam you don't understand what you're capable of. You're not just a were-shifter, you're a true alpha-one who is born to lead with dangerously strong power. What my dad could do to you is nothing compared to what you could do in reckless anger."

The room was silent. He spoke up, his voice hinting signs of skeptic. "How do you know I'm a 'true alpha'?"

"I uh. . ." I exhaled my breath, and riveted my eyes to his. "You're biological father. . . he was an alpha and my father killed him while you were still in your biological mother's womb."

"My father? But that means. . . " His brows furrowed, realization hitting. "I'm adopted!?" He rushes out of his seat, repeatedly rubbing his face with his hands.

"You know something Bethany? my life was a hell of a lot less complicated before you showed up! I don't want to be an alpha, I don't want to be a were-shifter and I don't want a mate! I just," his yelling faltered, lowering to barely audible tone. "I just want to be me again."

I watched as he sat down on the couch again, with his head in his hands. "I know this is hard for you and that you're suffering, but so am I. I have constant nightmares and fear and worry because I never know if you're truly safe. Liam I care about you and it eats me alive not knowing if you're okay or not."

He raised his head, running his hand through his hair. "You have nightmares too?"

I adverted my eyes away, the lucid dreams playing in my head. "Yeah. For a few weeks now and they've been getting worse. They're all about the same thing: you dying because I couldn't save you." I look down to the beige carpet, hiding the tears that rimmed my eyes. "I know you don't want me, and I get it, really, I do. But it'll never change the way I feel for you. You're my soulmate Liam, willingly or not and if you don't want me, could you at least let me help you? Please. Let me teach you to control your wolf, that's all I ask.

"And once you're under control, you'll never have to see me again. You can return back here to this hard-to-breath home and marry that human girl and have human children. But please, just a couple of months and I promise you'll be free from this life."

"Bethany," he sighed. He moved from his couch to mine, enlacing me in a hug and it was then that I realized I was shaking in a sob. I bit my jaw, an attempted try to stop my trembling. It's not working. I softly leaned my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as a distraction. His scent filled my nose with every breath, causing my throat to quietly vibrate in response. "Okay, I'll go. And Beth," he said silently. I leaned back and gazed into his eyes. "I-I care a lot about you too."

It felt as if a force was pulling me towards him and without any argument, I gave in, and started leaning to him. His lips were soft underneath mine and I felt this sudden rush of pulsation at the realization that he wasn't fighting back, that I found myself smiling under his lips. His hand grasped the back of my neck as he made his way down to my throat. His eyes briefly glanced at mine and I immediately recognized his crimson pupils. His wolf. . . It's taking over him. It's going to mark me.

He opened his jaw with his abnormally sharp teeth, and hovered it over the skin of my neck. I shut my eyes close, and prepared for the pain. This is it. This is what you wanted since day one. He softly grazed my skin between his teeth, preparing to bite down.

"Liam, open the goddamn door now!" Liam whipped his head towards the front door, his shining eyes and sharp teeth vanishing.

"Oh...crap." he muttered. "Danielle?" Great.

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