Chapter 5

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Bethany's POV

Harry puts his arm around me and starts whispering inappropate things in my ear. Grossed out, I turn my head to Liam and mentally plead that he would come for my rescue. He starts tensing up and looks like he was actually going to save me when he turns around and starts walking away. As I'm watching Liam walk away, something inside of me makes me want to cry out. Instead, I whimper silently. I look around for Crystal hoping she could maybe help but sigh when I see she's too busy fangirling to the rest of the boys.

Niall notices Liam leaving and asks where he's headed. After not getting a response, he just shrugged and goes back to talking to Chris.

"I need to go." I told Harry as I lightly pushed him off me.

"Where you going babe? We haven't even gotten to do anything yet." He winked at me.

Disgusted, I get up and try to walk away but stop when he grabs my wrist. I yank on it but he had a tight grip.

"Let go."

"No." He smirked. Annoyed with him, I try to keep calm.

"I'm serious, let go." I say more strictly, hoping he would stop his immaturity.

"Nope." He smiled popping the p.

"Now." He jumps back afraid and lets go of my hand. I lift up my head and look in a mirror in front of me. My eyes were glowing yellow; my wolf's threatening to come out. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. I follow the instructions my father had gave me for this exact moment. "Take a deep breath. Think about those who matter most and remember the things that make you human. Don't let your animal win," my father had said. "You'll need to know this for the future. The day you meet your mate is the day you meet your wolf."

Shaking my head, I look back at my reflection and see my normal brown eyes. Running, I start to follow Liam's sweet, pine scent. Making a few more turns, I hear the sound of someone's heavy breathing. Following the noise, I end up in front of two large double doors.Slowly, I push the double doors open. It was pretty dark except for a small light directing the stage, but somehow I made out Liam's muscular figure. He was in the corner of the stage with his head in his hands.

"Liam?" I whisper. I adjust to the dark and walk closer to him. I hesitantly sit down next to him. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know." He said, turning his head away from me.

I reached my hand to his face. When my hand met his cheek he tensed up. I move his face, forcing him to look my way. Leaving my hand on his cheek, I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. I felt an electrifying sensation go through my whole body. I dropped my hand in shock; I was right. We did imprint back at the arena; he is my mate.

"Liam did you feel that?" I smiled softly.

"What was that?" He asked in awe. I grabbed his hand for comfort.

Ignoring the shivers, I looked him in the eyes and wondered if he truly didn't know. Surely if he was a shifter his parents would of mentioned it to him at least once. He kept looking with wide eyes.

"Liam don't be scared!" I tried to reassure. "I'm your other half."

"My other what?" He asked bewildered.

Liam Payne is my Mate (AU)Where stories live. Discover now