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"Are you sure hyung you gonna tell him today that you love him" said Yoongi.''of course I'm gonna confess today, For how long I'm gonna wait ,it is our last day at high school'' I told him 

Jimin was quiet in this matter may be he knew something but he don't wanna hurt hobi hyung by saying anything he is not assured about.. so he kept queit .Jin who was sitting beside jimin, might have noticed the slight change in jimin , but he kept quiet because he doesn't want it to be true as he also have noticed how tae always sticks to jungkook nowadays.. it's not like that they hate jungkook but they  know how much hobi loves taehyung and how he always talk to them ,that how much he loves him so they know that how hurt hobi will be.

I was busy being teased by yoongi when I heard the angelic voice of my Love ,my tae baby .He was heading towards us with a boxy smile full on display .ohh how much I love it much i love to hear his giggles. His smile can make my day brighter and I want to see it for the rest of my life  

Although we were a group of seven friends but taetae was closest to me jimin and jungkook.I have seen him being too close to jungkook nowadays but I just shrugged this feeling off.

"Hobi hyungieeeee jiminaaaaaaa"tae said actually shouted while running towards us . He was holding a Bouquet of flowers which made me confused and I got a slightly bad feeling so I hid my bouquet beneath the bench..the others sitting there jimin ,yoongi and jin had probably seen that and also the look on my face because I felt an assuring hand of jimin on my sholuder , I just don't want it to be true ,what I was thinking, and what the others may be thinking but I have to face it what was coming for me.

"taebear, where were you ..we all were missing you" jin asked while looking at the bouquet of flowers tae was holding "and where is jungkook we also hadn't seen him" when jungkook named was mentioned I saw the cheeks of taehyung turning crimson .I gotta knew that there was something.
"Oh..hyung k..kookie has a class with joonie hyung he went there" then tae turned his head towards us, his cheeks slightly pink whose reason  I get to be knowing in few minutes ..he was looking like a cute baby with big doe eyes pink cheeks and swollen ....wait swollen lips ..just by looking at his face I got the idea ..I was not angry at him... believe me I was just hurt ..hurt that why it has to be me why the fate is so cruel but I have to pretend for my tae baby that I am fine
"O..oh  Hyungs jiminieeee I want to tell you all something" he exclaimed"I...I..It's ..its just" he stuttered while his cheeks turning redder

"Cut the crap tae you are making us curious ,you idiot" jimin said 
"yeah yeah I am telling it's just kookie confessed his love today in a very romantic way he was really shy at first then he said all those things to me that how much he loves me and he wants to spend his life with me he gave me a bouquet of flowers and I said yes and...." when tae said all these things I felt someone has stepped on my heart and is crushing it but for tae sake I kept myself composed and listen to what he was going to say next "...and then kookie k...kissed me i had.." he said this and immediately placed his hands on his face covering it " ...I...I had my first kiss  I love him so so so so much I am so happy today" he said with excitment lasing in his voice and then he hugged me as I was the first person sitting beside him "hyungiessss are you happy for us?" he asked and despite my heart clutching I managed to answer him

"Y..Yes yes taetae ,hyungiee is so so happy for you as long as tae is happy, jungkook is really good for you... he loves u a lot.. May you get married and have kids with him" as I said the last line I felt a slap on my arms and the reason is taetae  blushing 

I was hurt , really feeling broken but I was happy for taetae as long as he is happy ..that's what matters the most if he is happy living his life with jungkook I will never step between them as jungkook is also my friend ..
With that Everyone gives congratulations and huggies to taehyung I know they are sad for me but I will tell them that I am okay or am I okay?

After that jungkook and namjoon came there jungkook give kiss to taehyung on his cheek which made taehyung blush ....It all goes on for 2 years until jungkook proposed taehyung for marriage and they got married after 2 years of dating... one year before them namjoon and jin also got married I attended their wedding ....but about tae marriage ,no matter how much I say that I am happy for them but it was not easy for me to attend the wedding of the love of my life so I just gave them congratulations and blessings the day before and left for seoul ..Namjoon and jinnie were also settled in seoul at that time.

End of Flashback

These memories cross my mind every time when someone asks me why I am still single.I cried so hard that night when I reached home I was feeling like I lost a part of me... I regretted not telling tae about my feelings early but what's done is done. Now I tell all my worries my stories to my diary... it's not like that I don't have friends ... I have them but it felt safe to tell what you feel, to your diary ...that I have been writing since middle school it had kept my all memories of taehyung.

Now I live in seoul. Yes I am still single ..I am CEO of  Jung textiles
When I Shifted to seoul I started my business now after 2 years it is one of best korean clothing line..One can't get everything.. no matter how much wealth I have I still felt myself incomplete... This wealth only shows my physical appearance I would rather give all my wealth just to get that someone without whom my life felt incompleted ...I usually meet with namjoon and jin every week as we both live in seoul..About taehyung and jungkook I get to here about them from namjoonie and yoonmin ..They live in busan also taekook.

HELLO MOONIES here is a brief Prolouge of "LOVE FADES AWAY"  hope you get to read the background story if you still have questions you can ask in the comments

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