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Third person POV:

Tae after getting grip on his emotion got on his feet and made his way to washroom to wash his face ,to remove any sign of his crying from his son ,to set his disheveled state. After making sure that he is looking fine enough he got out of the room and met with the endearing sight of his son getting piggy ride from hobi .His heart felt with tenderness .the sight of his son giggling brought a smile on his face.

He went near them ,hobi pulled joon in his arms as he saw tae coming ,the look on tae face churned his heart inside his chest ,Whom tae is kidding ofcourse hobi can see the pain behind his smile the red eyes from all crying stabbed hobi heart.

Tae rub joono back who was playing with his uncle earing. Tae take his hand in his and placed a chaste kiss on it. Eyes getting watery So he left from their without saying anything. .Hobi all the time has keep his eyes casted at tae...Hobi placed joono on the ground with his stuffies ...

"Baby play here okay" Hobi told joono and went near tae who is now standing at the balcony looking at sky..Jin and jimin were busy in the kitchen and joon and yoongi were playing with joongwoo before engaging themselves in business talks ,now they are sitting on couch discussing business which made jin and jimin rolled their eyes..

"Tae?" tae keep looking at the sky , not feeling energy to to look at his hyung , or to reply him ...He just hummed in response,

"Hmmm" Hobi went near him and placed a hand on his shoulder to turn his body towards him only to see tae crying silently ..the tears he was shedding silently after seeing his hyung turn in to loud sobs ,Head casted down Shoulders shaking..Soon he felt himself in the warmth of his hyung ..Who drew shapes on his back rubbing it to calm him .Tae hugged him back more tightly and shed his tears in his hyung embrace...

"Tae do you trust hyung" Hobi asked in broken voice as his heart is in as much pain as tae is .Tae is crying for his baby but hobi is in pain because of his love broken state.Tae nodded is head ,tightening his arms more feeling comfortable in his hyung arms.

"Than have faith in me tae bear, I will get you your son back, I will not let anyone take your happiness from you ,I will fight for you ,Please be strong"

Tae felt calm after hearing comforting words.He felt that nothing will go wrong..He also felt tingling sensation in his heart but he is too broken to understand why he is feeling this way.They stayed like this for sometime But backway when they heard jin call from kitchen to have dinner..

After having dinner they were sitting in living room.."Tae baby we will stay with you today" Jin said

"No hyung ,I am fine please don't bother yourself beside I also wanna spend time with joono alone ,Guess it's my time to tell him lies" tae replied while looking at joono who was shaking the stuffie in his hand and throw it away to pick another of his teddy while munching cookies with his other hand.

"Tae baby we will stay with you today" Jin said"No hyung ,I am fine please don't bother yourself beside I also wanna spend time with joono alone ,Guess it's my time to tell him lies" tae replied while looking at joono who was shaking the stuffie i...

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