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Third Person POV:

It's been two day since jungkook has taken joonwoo with him .To say that tae and joongwoo is fine would be the biggest lie of century as both of them are craving for each other. Tae is like a lifeless body ofcourse someone has taken taken his soul from his body what more you expect.In these two days hyungs gave company to taehyung but it didn't do anything.. He kept quiet all the time.

 Hyungs are really worried for tae ..Ofcourse they miss joongwoo ..The little one is the ball of fluff , An embodiment of happiness for everyone and when he is not here everyone is yearning to see him...Hobi whenever he entered tae house shed tears as he misses joongwoo ,The boy who whenever saw him entering throw himself in his arms and gave him lot of kisses is not here, Everyone is worried for tae as he became the same as he used to be when jungkook left him .

As for joongwoo the little boy is missing his mamma deeply. In these two days he remained strong but A little four year boy eyes get glossy when he felt there is no one to play with him .His uncles are not here.

When jungkook brought joongwoo thankfully lisa is not present in the house ..She has gone to Busan because of her meetings.Junkook is still in seoul as he have to stay here until court hearings. Jungkook has bought a house in seoul and asked his personal servants of busan to come to seoul...He asked olivia his servant to show joongwoo his room...The servant smiled at the cute boy who was looking down intimated by everyone .SHe took his tiny hand ,joongwoo is the same age as her son so she feel motherly love for him too.She don't know Who is this kid but she felt pity for him as the boy was looking scared from everyone.

She took joongwoo to the room .The little bun was looking all around the room with bambi eyes  .Olivia was looking at  joono as she saw her son in him ,She has to leave his son back in Busan with his father as she knows that jungkook don't like their presence..But now she is happy by seeing joongwoo.She sat on the ground and caress the boy cheeks. who looked at her with glossy eyes.Olivia heart ached by seeing the tears in boy eyes ..Ofcourse she is a mother too.

"Baby what's your name  ...what happened why are you crying" She asked in really soft and sweet tone which somehow comforted the scared joono..

"J...joongwoo and I mishh mamma" The women hugged the boy stroke her hair to calm him as she can feel that how much a baby crave for his mother but she still don't know who this boy is, what is he doing here.

She was comforting the boy when a loud voice of jungkook came which made the boy in her arms flinched badly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" jungkook went near her and take joongwoo away from her "How dare you touch my son don't forget your status you are a servant don't touch my son with your dirty hands do what you are asked to do" She kept quiet looking down she is used to hearing such harsh words..For now she is only worried about the boy who is trembling in fear and what jungkook said shocked her that the boy is his son..She knows that Lisa cannot get pregnant ,ofcourse she has heard many time when jungkook and lisa has a fight, then who's son is this..

" I am sorry sir " 

"Get Lost and set the dining table we are coming" She left the room and jungkook then saw that joongwoo was crying.He sat on the bed and placed his son beside him.

"Hey why are you crying" joongwoo only shook his head, he was really afraid..He has never heard a raise voice.Jungkook sighed loudly and hold his hand 

"Stop crying okay let's go we will have lunch" Joono nodded his head and jump from bed to go with jungkook .

Both reached dining room where the table was set with different dishes and olivia was also standing beside the table to serve food. Jungkook sat on the head chair but joono didn't take a seat as he used to sit on his mamma lap who feed him ..He stood beside jungkook chair and looked at him innocently .Jungkook averted his eyes and saw his son looking at him while fiddling with his fingers.

"what?" jungkook asked 

"Untle can I shittt(sit) hele" Joono asked with his doe as he pointed at jungkook laps.Olivia who was looking at joono with confusion ,smiled at boy statement .Jungkook felt his heart warming with the way the boy asked him .He looked at his servants who all were looking at joono with smile and him with hopeful eyes.He grabbed the boy from his armpit and sat him on his lap .He smiled looking at his son. On his son demand he fed him and asked the servant to take him and clean his face. 

The first day passed Joono asked one time to jungkook to play with him but he refused to play by saying that he is busy and he should play with his toys ,Jungkook didn't know that little angel don't need toys he wants someone to play with him .Night came joono spent his day by drawing.He is feeling alone no one is here to play with him jungkook has asked all the servant to not touch his son or to go near him...Joongwoo was alone in the bed missing his mamma warmth ,who told him bedtime stories prior to sleeping.He was feeling scared alone so he got out of the bed holding his favorite plushie in his hands and knocked on the room beside him as in the morning he has seen his new uncle going there.As his height is not enough to open the door so he knocked with all his energy.

Jungkook open the door with a furious look on his face as no one has the audacity to disturb him at this hour. Little joono took one step back by seeing the angry man .Jungkook expression changed by seeing the tiny joono at his door step fiddling with hem of his shirt.He stood in front of him and asked 

"Why are you here at this hour ?" He raised his brows

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