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Lisa false tears deserve an academy award .Jungkook is awestruck after hearing what she feels . Does this rich person whom I call my friend really love me romantically . Jungkook knew lisa is beautiful have nice body and on top of that a big bank balance .She is everything one could ask for according to jungkook.. He hasn't seen her real cunning face .

As Jungkook is avaricious, all those words which lisa utter were making sense . If he he have been loyal to taehyung, he must have broken his so called friendship with lisa the moment she said those words but he remain silent perhaps thinking something .


After hearing what lisa said at first I was shocked than everything start making sense now I am thinking Why she said that I can't love her back because I'm married than fuck off I don't care about my marriage I will never be able to achieve anything even after hundred years what I can achieve by Lisa .

Surely I am sounding like avarice but all those things matter to me I will not gain anything If I stick to taehyung . I was deep in my thoughts what to say how to say when I noticed she is trying to walk away It was my off time when all this happened . She stumbled and I hold her so that she may not fall. 

"Jungkook I am leaving you can take your leave too and I hope we can continue our friendship" with that she walked away. 

I was behind her (fortunately or unfortunately) to go to ground floor .. We happen to use the same lift Actually I ran behind her so that I can make things less uncomfortable because I still don't know what I am going to answer her, I want time.We both were in the lift there was a silence.I was counting floors.

We were in lift when the elevator suddenly stop and lights start flickering .'Fuck' I murmered as it was not what I was expecting at the moment. Suddenly the lights went off and I think we are stuck . I hate it when it happens .I didn't utter a single word because she is with me but I noticed her breathing heavily.But I still didn't say anything until she start hitting against the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR !!HELP ME !!!" she started shouting and I was scared why she is behaving this way

"Don't worry here is the emergency button we will tap here and the helpline staff will come nothing is that serious" I said but I get nothing in reply.
"lisa are you okay" I felt someone hugging me tightly
"please save me the walls are coming near" she murmured in my embrace.

I got the situation and thankfully I knew how to handle this. She has claustrophobia.
I tighten my arms around her, patted her hair I have never been this close to someone except tae. It's feeling euphoric I knew I am wrong but I can't do anything she has everything that tae can't give me. I rubbed her back to calm her.

"Calm down lisaa I'm with you it's okay" she clutched my shirt in her fist

."Just listen to me breath we will get out of here soon"

"Please don't leave me I have no one other than you" she hugged me more tighthly .Our bodies were pressed together Her chest on mine and it's not good.but it's not the time to think something dirty. I keep on rubbing her back soothingly my chin on her head.Soon after the elevators door open and after seeing her condition I decided to drop her home as she no longer have her driver.

"Give me your keys I'll drive you home"

"No jungkook it's okay I'm fine" she left my hand but stumbled again thankfully I grabbed her again "Seems like it" I uttered and take the car keys from her hand.


I never knew jungkook you are this naive and everything will go so smoothly like I planned. May be I deserve an oscar for my acting. I knew having me this close will make it more hard for you to resist. 
I planned the whole elevator scene and it worked pretty fine I never expected he would drive me home but now he is in my car driving his eyes stick to road.He is holding steering wheel with one hand and the other hand rested on his lap.His muscular arms are full on display his veins were bulging out by his grip on steering wheel he has folded his sleeves..ohhhh How much I want you jungkook and you will be soon mine baby. 


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