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Third person POV :

All were waiting outside the room in the hospital .All have been crying since the moment they got here ..Soon the doctor came out of the room everyone stood up 

"Doctor is o..our t..tae"

"Due to taking so much stress his Blood pressure got high.It put the baby in risk. We were in the situation where we were going to abort baby because the patient seems so weak physically ..He was bleeding so much but the boy in here is much stronger than we think It's a miracle we are able to keep both of them safe .But the patient is still physically very weak if his condition will not change than I am sorry there might be a risk for  him of  losing baby... his baby is not that healthy too I advise you all to please take care of him and make him eat in time ...Whatever stress he is going through, make him feel calm for the sake of his baby I hope he gets healthy soon..Now I 'll take my leave .."

"Thankyou so much..Doctor can we see him"

"Yes after we shift him in the room you can see him"

Namjoon hugged hoseok and both sobbed on each other shoulder jin consoled them  but he is also shattered from inside as much as them ..There is no way jin is going to leave tae in this condition he has taken a decision and tae will have to listen to him.

After tae has shifted to other room all entered the room one by one and the last to enter is hoseok.. Each step he took toward the room ,where the only person he adored all his life is trapped in wires and monitors ,he felt his heart thumping out of his chest .He is going to see the his angel after two years ..He never expected that he would  see him in this condition..

As soon as he entered the room his whole body start shaking .His heart is so much in pain when he saw his tae laying on bed ..'Why something like this happened to you angel No matter how much hurt I was that day when you told us about kookie but  believe me I never wanted something like this for you Even I was able to hold my self just because I thought you are happy with jungkook and that is what matter to me  as I always wished your happiness ..Hell I prayed to god everyday for your happiness...But what do I do now ..Angel  I....lo...lo.......' Hoseok was brought out of his shock state when yoongi shook his shoulder to get his attention..

"huhhhh Whattt"

"I said I'm going to buy medicines for tae do you wanna come .." yoongi than gestured his eyes toward tae and said " h..he  is a Still unconscious You c..come with me outside you will feel better"

With teary eyed heavy heart hoseok nodded his head in affirmation not feel like talking ...With the last glance at his angel hoseok went out of the room along with yoongi ..

Once they are outside the room Yoongi hugged hoseok to comfort him ...As soon as hobi found himself out of everyone glance he shedder his controlled sobs on yoongi shoulder ,His shoulders were shaking with crying ...The sight of hobi crying like a kid on yoongi shoulder wrenched his heart he rubbed his back to soothe him 

"It's okay i...its okay Hobiiaaaahh stop crying It's okay he's h...he's fine now"

" hurtsss seeing him t..this hur..hurting so m..much "

Yoongi let him cry on his shoulder  

"He w..will be fine don't worry please stop crying now do you want to face him like this he will scold you don't you know him" hobi chuckled hearing him because that's how tae is... Yoongi wiped tear of hoseok and they both went to buy medicines..

Meanwhile Tae stirred in bed gaining attention of jimin jin and namjoon who are present in the room at that time..there were expression of struggling on tae face which immediately panic jimin and he called the doctor to check tae.. The doctors checked tae  and he slowly opened his eyes adjusting to bright intensity of light the first thing he saw was the white ceiling he was still not catching the situation his mind was distress he closed his eyes again and the memory of Jungkook handing him  'Divorce papers' abbhored him ..His breathing got unstable sweats start forming on his face ...The doctors immediately gave him an injection by holding his wrist to calm his blood pressure but what made tae calm was the broken voice of his hyung ,Jin hyung..


Tae opened his eyes again on hearing a familiar voice 
"J.....ji..jinnie h...hyung" He mumbled so weakly but it was able to reach jin as he was leaning on tae his hand on tae shoulder to calm ..

"Y...y..yes b..bear y.your j..jinnie h..hyung here and k..know w..who else is a..also y..your j..joonie h..hyung"

Tae averted hooded gaze from jin to namjoon who was standing beside jin hiding his sobs ..

"Hello little t..tiger"

Tae passed a weak smile on seeing his hyungs forgetting for a millisecond about incidents of last night ..Tae eyes than fell on jimin and soon his little smile also disappear ..His nose scrunched up in distress eyes while shutting his eyes tightly 

"T..tae Hold h..hold my h..hand ..babyyy l..look h..hyung here are o..our l..little t..tiger r..right p..please Br..breath and o..out p...please c..calm d..down t..hi...think about your please t..take d..deep b..breaths" and like always mention of his baby calm him down a little..

"h...h..hy...hyuu..hyung w..wat" tae was too lost  to complete his words but jin understand what he wants He called out for jimin he was quick to understand and bring a glass of water..Jin made tae sit by holding his shoulder his body leaning on jin  ..Jin with one hand caressed his back and bring the  glass to mouth with other hand ..Tae drank the water ,and jin support taehyung by holding his shoulder and makes him lean back on the headboard ..

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