CHAPTER 24 (Part A)

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I was about to publish CHAPTER 24 in one part but then I decide to split it into two ..Moonies please give your love to both parts... 


After returning from jeju all were dead tired that they all crashed at Jin's house and slept their.In the morning , after breakfast hobi offered to drop tae and joongwoo ..As tae don't have work today he will rest..Hobi and tae first dropped joongwoo at his school who was throwing tantrums for not going to school, even did a drama of stomach ouchiee. But none of the drama of Poor boy succeeded and at last he was drop at his school. Tae and hobi were alone in the car there was a comfortable silence. Not aware that what is waiting for them at home..

As soon as both entered the house , They were met with letters in the doorway .Hobi picked one from the floor and tear open it as tae asked him to.

Hoseok POV: 

I opened the envelop  and I felt my breath hitched in my throat ,I can't even think in my dreams that jungkook will get this low after what he did to tae .I don't know how will tae react I looked up from the notice in my hands to tae who was setting something on dinning table .No I don't want to see his smile falter away.But he will know about it eventually Instead of getting late we should do something.

"Hyung I am calling you for fifth time now what is it"

"T...tae B..bear s..sit Pl..please"

"What happened hyung you are scaring me"

"Tae bear you have to be strong okay We are with you we will not let him win " I placed my hands on his shoulder his smile turn into frown by confusion

"Hyung what are you talking about"    'angel I am sorry But I will not let him take away your happiness this time'

"Tae, jungkook has filed a case for joongwoo c..custody they all are notices from court, We have to hire a lawyer as soon as possible tae ..tae "

My angel fell down on his knees his eyes staring blankly at the notice which I handed him... Tears of despondency slowly cascaded down his cheeks leaving him so weak and frail..I kneeled before him and hug him close to my chest the only thing I am concerned about is tae .I won't let him down this time.Tae was in my arms sobbing .

"H...hyung w..why h...he doing t..this ,I c..can't live without my b..bbaby h..he my ..W..why h..he c..came b..back .I w..was ha...happy w..without him h..hung p..please do..don't let hi..him take jo..joono"

"No Tae I will not let it happen please calm down we have to contact your lawyer"



"Look Sir I will try my best but the case is now 80% in their hands , you were not here and seems like the opponent took the advantage of your absence and must have bribed the judge as it is not possible to receive court date so frquently .As you were not here the two sessions have been done without your presence but thankfully there is one more session left we will put our case forward..I will try my best"

'No no jungkook cannot do this he can not bribe anyone to hurt me right hyung ,How can he hurt me more when he had done enough once..He cannot be so cruel .' Tae was still not believing that jungkook can bribe the judge..
Tae was crying silently while jin was side hugging him to support him ,Hobi namjoon and yoongi were listening to the lawyer.


Court session:

Only tae knows how he spend his days in misery having nightmares that someone will come and took his son from him .He has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep as he kept awake at night keep on looking at his angel.Many tried to calm him down but it all turned fruitless.As he keep repeating the same things ' Please don't let him take my life my son from me' ..

Both parties gathered at the court room Jungkook was not expecting tae to be present at today hearing ..Jungkook came with lisa and as he saw tae he gave him an evil smirk which turned tae eyes glossy . Tae was sitting with his hyungs and joongwoo was in his school .The little angel even don't know what is going on in his life.

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