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Another day at jimin's house but the atmosphere was not as it used to be .Today there is a hustle in the house. Taehyung was packing his clothes in a bag .Do you want to know what happened why tae is packing it's because he got a message from jungkook that he is going to meet him today at jimin place. Poor Tae when he read the message, fell on jimin .

When jimin asked the reason of tae smile tae told him that jungkook is coming  today. The Innocent tae thought that Jungkook is coming to take him back and all what happened that day was nothing .As I told that is still not believing anything .

Tae was telling jimin and yoongi hyung as he is also at home today that  'First I'll be angry at him for making me cry this much '...Both jimin and yoongi were get bad vibes but they don't want to break tae expectations as they had seen his smile after weeks. They were feeling something good is not gonna happen but they didn't said anything loud.

 Jimin has called jin and namjoon hyung yesterday after seeing tae condition as it was not getting any better .He told them everything.. Both were shocked hearing that they can never imagine that their baby bear has gone through this much pain ..They also can never believe that jungkook can devastate their taehyung .They told jimin that they will come to busan today.

Tae was in his room done with packing and waiting for jungkook.

"Baby dadda is coming to take us with him we will live happily with dadda .Your dadda is mean mamma cry so much because of him ..We will not talk to dadda okay ..But when dadda will say sorry we will forgive him ."

We know he should hate him after what he did but his innocent heart can never stop loving him.Taehyung was talking with his baby when he heard a door bell rang. He ran out of the room and saw his world standing at the door jimin and yoongi were behind him .Jungkook cold eyes met his .There was no emotion in jungkook eyes. No soft smile on his face which he usually gave only a blank expresssion  which squeezed taehyung heart .As all his focus was on jungkook he failed to notice the envelope in jungkook hand but it didn't get unnoticed by other two present in the room.

Tae dragged his steps toward jungkook whose narrowed gaze was fix on him .Tae stood few feets away from him .before he could say anything yoongi cut him off with a shocked and stern expression  as he has noticed the envelop jungkook was holding.Yoongi don't want tae to make a fool of himself so he asked 

"Jungkook why are you here" Tae was looking at his hyung confusingly as yoongi has never used such tone before.Tae was expecting jungkook to answer 'I am here to take him' but he don't know what's coming for him next 

"I am here to give him this" jungkook said blankly handing over the envelop to taehyung who was looking at him still with soft smile but it's not going to last long.

"W..what is this kookie" he stuttered a bit and took the envelop in his hand.
"See it yourself" said jungkook in his cold tone .

With shaky hand he opened the envelop ..Taehyung felt like he forgot how to breath ,his mouth went all dry legs seemed so weak that he stumbled back hitting the table.he get a grip on his body by holding the table
Yoongi and jimin had their mouth gaped when they saw what was written 


His bottom lip quivered as he looked at document than at jungkook. Jungkook avert his gaze not able stand the disbelief look on tae face . 

"I have already signed you must do it too" jungkook left the house after saying that leaving three people in the room shattered... Taehyung was standing their complete numb his wide eyes staring at the signature of jungkook on the divorce papers .


'what were you expecting that he will come and take you with him' 'How pathetic you are' 'Look you get what you deserve' 'Who would want you' 'what now you are crying again?That's what you made for ? Such a fragile boy ..You again get your hopes high ..Your child will hate you, you deserve no one love .Isn't that the reason your husband left.. he not only left you but also gave you divorce papers.. he don't want to have any connection with a shit person  like you ..You can't even protect  your child A weak person like you can not do anything. all your life you depend upon other that's why he get fed up with you you were nothing just a burden for everyone your child is going to hate you ,that child of your will never wish to have a pathetic parent like you.... who cannot even make his husband happy... What would you say to your child when he will ask about his dadda  You are the reason why he didn't accept his baby you are at fault why don't you just kill yourself and makes everyone life happy ..They will be happy without you'

Taehyung hold his head in his hands paper falling from  his hands he screamed on top of his lungs  as he fall on the ground on knees, Head on the floor screaming to stop the voice and sobbing on his misery ..

Taehyung hold his head in his hands paper falling from  his hands he screamed on top of his lungs  as he fall on the ground on knees, Head on the floor screaming to stop the voice and sobbing on his misery

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Jimin and yoongi ran towards taehyung to hold him but they themselves don't have words except the pity for the younger who is crying his heart out on the floor miserably ..Taehyung felt a shrinking pain in his abdomen he this time screamed in pain 

"Ahhhhhhhhh" while clutching his tummy .Taehyung can hear someone panicked voices but he was not able to register them ..All taehyung can feel now is the voices in his mind his pain, He slowly start losing his consciousness he  felt his his body going limp at last he gave dropped on his side darkness evading him and the last thing he felt is something wet running down his legs.

Jimin and Yoongi hurried toward taehyung when they saw him moaning in pain yoongi immediately called ambulance jimin was crying holding limp body of tae in his arms
"T...tae b..bay please y..your e..eyes f..for p..please p..please s..stay with us" his crying double when he saw red blotches on tae jeans.

Soon the ambulance arrived and they shifted him to the emergency room.. Jimin yoongi were waiting outside the room of taehyung they have informed jin and namjoon to arrive at hospital ..

Soon they all arrived and with them another person came The person for whom someone is drawing his soul from the body . He was numb after hearing what happened to his ANGEL ..No one can even imagine the pain he is feeling right now.When jin and namjoon told him about tae he didn't believe them and insisted to go to BUSAN to see himself ..On there way to busan they recieved a call from yoongi informing him about tae being in hospital .It was like someone has snatched the ground under his legs or someone is choking him to death . He can never believe that the person whom he gave up on for his happiness is now in hospital and the reason of his condition is only one person JUNGKOOK.

Hoseok was weeping and sobbing all the while he stayed away from taehyung to not disturb his life He didn't even call him once so that he may not fell weak after hearing tae was all these years he hold himself..All the time he was thinking that tae is happy somewhere and this only thought was making him happy ,but here his tae is in hospital  Everyone was consoling him as they all knew what hoseok was feeling right now they all knew how much he love him and seeing tae like this was the only thing he never wanted to see..Namjoon was also the same he was lost after hearing his baby brother condition .

Every one was crying in hospital but on the other side there were two heartless people who were the reason of tae condition and they are enjoying but their enjoyment will be for sometime.  

Hello Moonies! Please stay with me  Please keep reading Love Fades Away I know angels that chapters are boring but Please stay ..You all are my Hope ..I love U all so much thankyou so so so much ..You guys can never imagine How happy I am for all your love Thankyou 

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