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Third person POV:

After sometime Jimin and namjoon entered the room they sense the environment is not dense as before they made their way toward tae and a little smile bloomed on tae face ..

"How's my little tiger feeling now"

"I am fine hyung Very much fine" he gave a contented smile and look down at his tummy.

"But I am not asking..You are no longer my little tiger this is my little tiger" he poked tae tummy and tae pouted

"NOOOOOO I am you little tiger he can be your littlest tiger and it's also doing fine" Namjoon chuckled seeing the pout and hugged tae ..This time tae didn't cry instead hugged him more tightly as he was telling him that he is fine now..

"Well well where is my hugs do you even know idiot how much I cried because of you now get fine soon so that you can buy me drinks so that I can maintain my water balance"

Tae chuckled hearing jimin blabbering nonsense ..."Come here" he opened his arms and jimin throw himself ..Tae patted his back "Come on now please don't start crying chimmy" Tae know jimin was crying on his shoulder 

"I was s...scaredd please don't get yourself in that condition again I can't bear that"

"awwwwww my mochiiii" Tae squish jimin cheeks

"yahhh s...stop c...calling me that you mooonkey"

"Okay okay fine I'll not but where is my sleepy hyung don't tell me he is sleeping on hospital beds too"Tae side dramatically

"ahh I doubt the same it's been half an hour since they went to buy medicines for you I swear to god if he has fallen asleep again I am gonna mak........"

"Hey why you guys always thought that I'll be sleeping somewhere I don't sleep that much " said yoongi rolling his eyes and made his way towards tae and everyone left a dramatic gasp on yoongi statement

Yoongi and hoseok made their way back to room after buying medicines once they were outside the room they heard giggles..Hoseok stopped in his tracks hearing the heavenly giggles after two years still he remembers whom they belong too...He was trapped between the pain of parting ways years ago and now meeting him again .He don't know what he is feeling right now..He was nervous and scared ..scared what it would feel like to see him after years ..Will he still consider him his friend he was not in contact with him for two years .will he get angry What if he has forgot about him but he had heard from jin that tae used to ask about him on phone...

..Yoongi squeezed hobi shoulder and told him with his eyes 'TAKE YOUR TIME' and  went inside the room..Hobi leaned on the wall by the door to calm his thudding hearbeat ...It was like the high school days came back when he used to see his angel by hiding behind the door..He smiled at that memory ..'I was really mad in love and I still am' he assured himself everything gonna be alright he can do this, like how he has been doing all these years and made his way inside the room.

He nervously entered the room and saw his angel talking to yoongi hyung who was patting his head .He was not able to clearly see his face as jimin was blocking his view..but as jimin moved aside a little ,he saw a glimpse of his angel a small smile on his face ...looking ever so ethreal even in the hospital bed ..He was same as before ever so beautiful ...Hobi felt his heartbeat raising dangerously he stood on the door frame watching him from afar...It fell like the time has stopped for him and all he able to see was the person he love more than anything . He shook his head to get out of his trance when he heard that soothing voice which he can listen all his life..

"chim mentioned 'they went to buy medicine' was there anyone else with you hyung" Tae asked innocently

And At the same time hoseok knocked on the door getting in his natural sunshine personality

"Hello everyone did I miss something"Everyone averted his direction towards the sound and saw him standing at the doorframe scratching his head

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"Hello everyone did I miss something"

Everyone averted his direction towards the sound and saw him standing at the doorframe scratching his head .....Everyone smiled at him but One person froze seeing him.. He is seeing his hobi hyung after 2 years let alone listening his cheerful voice after years... He opened and closed his mouth like a fish unable to form words..He got genuinely happy and a tear welled in his eyes a tear of happiness ...He rose his head from the headbored and start to get up to hug him not even noticing the IV needle on his hand hoseok was quick to act and before tae could injure himself he held the younger in his embrace forgetting all the worries he had before.. all he know now is that The angel is in his arms ..he close his eyes in contentment..Tae was hugging his stomach like a koala with his face burried in stomach and arms wrapped around torso..A tear fell from hobi eyes everyone was looking at them with loving eyes..

"I mmiissed yyyouu hhhyungg"his voice got muffled as his face was hugging hoseok ...Hobi chuckled and stroke his stroke..

"H...hyung m..missed you too Taetae" tae moved back to look at his hyung face arms still wrapped around his body ..He smilingly look at his hyung face and hugged again..

Hoseok felt like someone has given him his life back ...NO no he can never think about taking advantage of tae situation ..He only wants to get his friend back.. He will be happy just by seeing his tae face as long as he can..

"Hyung please don't d...don't le...leave a...again plleaseee"

"I'll never bear"

Today hoseok also made a promise to himself he will never leave his tae side again he will stick to him as a friend but will never leave him just because of his feelings ...he will hide his feelings like before ...He will protect tae so that no one could hurt him again..


"Tae bear we have decided you will not live here anymore you will move to seoul with us ..I am not going to leave you alone in this condition .I will personally take care of yourself their and I will not listen any 'No' and also your hobi hyung is also gonna be their" jin hyung said

They all were still in hospital..since the moment tae met his hobi hyung he was not leaving his side ...Now he is sitting on bed still holding his hyung close to him ..Hoseok is also happy that tae didn't get angry with him or he think so .

"No I am not going to leave my mochi and grumpy hyung here ....Why I go there for Hobi hyung? when he left Busan this shorty was here for me ....I am not going to leave him you go back I will stay with my mochii and I am angry with you." tae huffed cutely and hold jimin hand by sending angry glares to hobi hyung..Hobi hyung smile at his angel pouty face..

"Awwwwwww your hobi hyungieeee is really sorry won't you forgive him ...Look I am here now I will never leave you again I promise" he said the last line with quite determination ...

"But jin hyung what about jimin and yoongi hyung will I leave them here" actually Tae also don't want want to stay in Busan he is agree with jin hyung but only thing that was holding him back was his best friend and hyung he don't want to leave them ..

"What if we also wanna go with you "Jimin nudged tae side and rose his eyebrows dramatically

"REALLYYY you will go with us"

"Ofcourse otherwise who I will complain about this snorting ass to I don't wanna live here alone with this shorty" jimin said sassily

"Excuseeeee me I am taller than you and I also can't bear your tantrums Thankgod I took over my seoul branch Otherwise I have to tolerate you alone "

They kept bickering with each other like an old married couple ..Everyone has smile on their face ..

"Tae ummmphhhhh W..we Ha..have s..settle y...your d..divorce ag..greement Befor leaving" Namjoon uttered stutteringly ..The smile on tae faced replaced by a sad smile ..

"'s okay H...hyung I ready I will let him go "Hobi squeezed tae hand assuring him that they all are here for him.

Soon night came and everyone have to leave the room jin decided to stay by tae side as only one visitor is allowed at night..

everyone bid goodbye hobi don't want to leave his side but yoongi dragged him because he hadn't rested a minute since yesterday..As everyone left tae laid down on the bed the smile he plastered all day on his face soon disappear and a gloomy night starts for him .

'I am letting you go kookie ..You will no longer be my kookie '

'You left me when I needed you the most so i'll prove myself that I can live without you'

'I hope you will also be happy with whoever you want to be'

'It's amazes me how you drop me out of your life like I never existed'

'It's painful to say goodbye to you as I don't want to let go,but it's more painful to ask you to stay when I know you want to leave'

'I will let you go for your happiness'

'I can't tell if it's killing me or making me stronger'

'No tears will fall from my eyes again because of you'

'Goodbye Kook...jungkook'

Hello Moonies! sorry for keep you waiting... Yesterday I was busy streaming 'BUTTER' Thankyou so so so much for giving me 500reads THANKYOU I CAN'T EXPRESS IN WORDS HOW GRATEFUL I AM of YOU ALL... KEEP READING 'LOVE FADES AWAY' A new journey is going to began ..the next chapter will be time skip.Keep reading I love you ALL SO SO SO MUCH.

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