Part 13

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Sean's POV: Since I put out that video, my life has began to get back on track. I'm having my first interview (accompanied by Perrie) today with a magazine company. I'm excited.
The cameras start and the interviewer begins "Hello, and welcome to our interview with Sean Lynch. I am Nick Arthur Phillips. Today, we're just gonna be having a chat about your life and how these horrible allegations have effected you." I nod "So first could you introduce yourself. Say your full name, age and where you from"
"Hello, I'm Sean Bradley Lynch III. I've recently just had my 28th birthday and I'm from Donegal, Ireland" I introduce myself.
"And who is this gorgeous lady next to you?" He asks politely.
"This is my wonderful girlfriend of the last 7 months now and her name is Perrie Edwards." I explain.
"And I've just been wondering, Sean how did the two of you meet?" Nick asks whilst crossing his legs.
"We met on Tinder, we'd both been single for 5 years and so, some of my friends got me Tinder because they didn't want me to be a old man all alone." I say and we all chuckle.
"And Perrie, was it same for you, did the other girls force you into getting Tinder or did you just say "screw it"?" He asks Perrie who snickers a bit.
"If I'm honest, yeah I was forced into it. But look where I am now." She perks up.
"Alright, so let's get into what we've all been wondering... How have you been, Sean? The media has been up your ass about these false allegations put there by your former best friend. How has it affected you?" Nick asks me sweetly.
"Me and... let's just call him Reggie. So me and Reggie were friends since we were kids. I had just moved to Portsmouth for my dad going into the military. New school and all that. So basically this happened:

Flashback (Sean is describing this as it goes on)
"Please all of you welcome, Sean Lynch." My new teacher announces as she points at me. "Why don't you stand up and tell the class something about yourself?"
I nod and begin "Something that might surprise you is that I'm doing martial arts and have been doing it for the last 4 months now."
"Very interesting!" The teacher tells me and then allows me to retake my seat. As she begins to turn: I feel someone kicking the back of my chair. I turn around and ask him to stop but he doesn't, so I turn around but before I can say anything I hear "Felix, leave him alone." I turn and see this tanned boy with black hair.
"Why, what are you gonna do about it Oxlade-Chamberlain?" Felix asks this kid.
"Just quit it" and he eventually stops.

After the lesson: I walk up to the boy and say "Thanks for making him stop."
The boy smiles and holds out his hand "Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, you are?" He introduces himself.
"Sean Lynch." I tell him and shake his hand.
"Do you wanna hang out at lunch?" He asks me and I nod.

End of Flashback.

Sean's POV: I continue on "I was just so  pissed off that Reggie had the nerve to lie about one of my most horrifying and traumatizing experiences of my life."
"How did these negative opinions effect your daily life?" Nick asks me.
"Like, it got to the point that I was like "If I'm not seen out in public anymore, maybe they will just forget about this. But what happened? Jack-all." I respond honestly.
"Now, let's move on from that to something a bit of what the public want to know. Now we know that Sean you have a 10 month old daughter Delilah who you sadly haven't been allowed to have physical contact with, but the internet just wanted to know, does Delilah see Perrie as her motherly figure? No disrespect but is Delilah's biological mother in the picture?" He asks respectfully.
"On the lines of is Perrie Delilah's mother figure, I'd say yeah. Delilah's face completely lightens up when Perrie walks into the room. And news is that Perrie isn't just her mother figure but officially her adoptive mother" I look over at my girlfriend and grin. "On the part of is her mother in the picture, no, not at all. Me and Delilah's biological mother dated for 2 years before we had a nasty split and got into a custody battle. I successfully won the court case and gained full custody over my little girl." I tell him proudly.
"When should you be getting your daughter back, if it's alright to ask?" He asks.
"It's alright, the court says that I should be getting her back into my house cause they've forced to have her live with my parents, they say around at the weekend. So I'm excited for that" I smile.
"And Perrie, how are you taking being a mother to this little one?" He reverts his attention to Perrie, who has just been holding my hand and listening.
"I adore that little girl. She is one of the most bloody adorable and cheeky little monkeys that I have ever met. I do treat her like she is my own."
"That's absolutely amazing, so thank you both for coming to this interview." Nick says cheerfully.
"It's been a pleasure" I tell him and the interview soon ends.

Back at home: I'm reading the comments on the interview and they are extremely positive, which is funny from the fact that like a month ago, anything that had my name included would just be spammed with negative comments. But now they are so awesome:
-lmnuggies229 "Sean is so down to earth! I can't believe that we once looked down on this lad. 😘😘❤❤
-ufcfan228 "Honestly, missing the lad's face. Only got to his debut and then it just went downhill." 👍😀
-littlemix20066 "Why were we ever against this lovely soul??!! He's so fucking sick!"
-pezismycure "#searrie, the ship is officially sailing!"
-lmchicken69 "Sean and Perrie are so fucking cute, so much better than Alex for sure!"

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